With Author, Educator & Director of Spiritual Companions Trust
Dr. William Bloom

A 7-Module On-Demand Video Training

Help yourself and loved ones map the journey into the afterlife with a sense of calm, courage, and confidence.


Deep in the heart of all spiritual traditions is profound wisdom about how to approach the end of life.

These wisdom teachings from every major lineage contend that physical death is the final life initiation facing death is seen as the ultimate spiritual teacher.

The teachings also maintain that knowing how to approach death with calm, confidence, and joy is the secret to living a good life here and now.

Denying the reality of death leaves us in the dark. Consciously facing it allows us to live in the light. And this doesn’t just have to happen in the final moments...

... if we start now, we can transform the quality, depth, and beauty of every moment we have left on this Earth.

This liberating approach is crucial for people of all ages and faiths for caregivers and for those moving closer to their great transition.

During this inspirational on-demand course with Dr. William Bloom, one of the UK’s leading educators and authors in the field of spirituality and wellbeing, you’ll learn how to authentically befriend physical death... leave a legacy of hope and love... and map your next journey into the afterlife by aligning with the rhythms and realities of nature and the spiritual world.

More than 40 years ago, William suffered a severe illness accompanied by ongoing near-death and out-of-body experiences. This profound stretch of time set him on a path to help countless others prepare for their end-of-life transition and gain a deeper sense of the wholeness of the journey of life and death.

During the course, you’ll learn universal teachings on mindfulness and compassionate care to help you live in the here and now... and architect a peaceful transition and graceful transfer of consciousness into the afterlife for yourself and others.

You’ll also create practical and ceremonial strategies for blessing your life and physical death… creating sacred space for closure with loved ones to enter into the clear light of Source… calling in your spirit allies and angels... and deepening your connection with the ocean of cosmic love and benevolence.

In doing so, you’ll build a deep sense of calm and courage in the heartfelt knowing that what we call death is just the natural unfolding into a new dimension of life.

You’ll transform grief into gratitude and grace, as the guiding light of your newfound strength empowers you to face your own end-of-life transition with greater ease… and help others do the same.

This is what it feels like when you let go of doubt and feel ever deeper into your own infinite nature.

Your life overflows with meaning and purpose, and so too does your death. With the right guidance, you can realign with the physical and spiritual world in an empowered way and live fully in the blessings and richness of the here and now… which is all we ever have.

Join William on this journey into the wholeness of life to discover how.


As you explore how to embrace the sacred journey of life and death, you’ll:

  • Examine the universal map for how your consciousness crosses into the clear light
  • Heal and transform limiting perceptions around the end of life shifting from concern and grief to joy and liberation
  • Experience a deeper sense of the wholeness of your life’s journey freeing yourself to be fully present in the richness of the here and now
  • Explore the essential map of metaphysical dimensions in the afterlife
  • Examine compelling evidence of life after death from many different sources
  • Create an end-of-life plan and your personal metaphysical map into the afterlife to bless your eventual transition and the experiences of your loved ones
  • Deepen your connection to the clear light of Source healing any suffering or unfinished business in the here and now
  • Learn how to quiet your own doubt regarding the afterlife and how to talk about end-of-life preparations with loved ones
  • Develop strategies of deep spiritual service to help loved ones at the end of their lives
  • Discover how to call in angels, helpers, and spirits who will support your transition
  • Learn new and joyful coping strategies that bring closure to your past experiences with the deaths of loved ones
  • Gain new perspectives and insights on the meanings of heaven, paradise, purgatory, and the bardo states
  • Experience a guided meditation into a real here-and-now sense of what it means to go home to Source
  • Receive guidance on transforming the grief process into wisdom, gratitude, grace, courage, and confidence

What You’ll Discover in These 7 Modules

In this 7-module transformational intensive, William will guide you in the fundamental skills and competencies needed for a blessed transition into the afterlife through a deep and empowered experience of the wholeness of your life’s journey transforming sadness, doubt, and despair into joy, certainty, and freedom.

The Beauty of On-Demand Video

This 7-module course will feature step-by-step teachings and experiential practices with William. Each module will build harmoniously upon the previous ones, so you’ll develop a complete holistic understanding of the practices, tools, and principles needed for a blessed transition into the afterlife through a deep and empowered experience of the wholeness of your life’s journey.

You’ll experience William’s teachings through on-demand video. The beauty of on-demand is that you get to take the course at your own pace. Rewind and replay any section as many times as you wish. Immerse yourself into each of the modules. Let the information, practices, and wisdom really soak in.


Module 1: Exploring Physical Death as a Gateway to a Wonderful & Welcoming Dimension


Explore the cycle of life and begin deliberately shifting the often distressing mood and atmosphere in which end-of-life issues are usually discussed… into an enjoyable inquiry. 

This first module opens with a reframe of how we view the end of life as a gateway to a wonderful and welcoming dimension. You’ll discuss current perspectives that coincide with death, especially those involving illness, grief, and bereavement, in a practical, emotionally intelligent, and metaphysically wise way.

As William and the universal end-of-life map of virtually all religions and spiritual traditions contend, the end of your physical life is similar to moving home or going on vacation  and opens the door to a great adventure and opportunity that benefits from thoughtful preparation.

As you begin to explore the totality of the sacred journey of life and death, you’ll discover:

  • The universal map in virtually all religions and spiritual traditions for how your consciousness crosses into the clear light
  • Core skills for soothing physical and psychological concerns transforming them into calm confidence
  • How to heal and shift limiting perceptions around the end of life from concern and grief into joy and liberation
  • How to plan your practical and metaphysical journey

Module 2: The Overwhelming Evidence for Life After Death


What evidence is there of life after death? In this session, William will share with you the crucial essence of the huge amount of rigorous research that has been done in this field.

This includes near-death experiences, after-death communications, past-life memories, tech communications, mediumship, premonitions of death, and the absolute consistency of teachings from spiritual traditions across all cultures and times.

This knowledge will reassure those parts of your mind that are still intellectually suspicious of these metaphysical and spiritual ideas... and that can sometimes sabotage your confidence and development.

This evidence will also bring you confidence in your conversations with those who doubt the reality or try to influence your perception of life after death.

In this module, you’ll:

  • Examine compelling evidence of life after death from many different sources
  • Hear inspiring stories of afterlife realities that reassure us that the end of life is not the end
  • Develop new and joyful coping strategies to bring closure to past experiences with the deaths of loved ones
  • Learn how to quiet your own doubts regarding the afterlife and how to positively converse with skeptics

Module 3: Planning Your Metaphysical Return to Home


Not only do you have the power to plan every practical and ceremonial detail that surrounds your physical departure from Earth...

... you can also create a personal map for how your consciousness crosses over.

You’ll gain inner clarity on what that entails, and participate in guided exercises that empower you to imagine and actually create the path for your afterlife journey that best works for you.

The map and process for how your consciousness crosses over is multifaith and person-centered. You’ll draw on many ancient religious and spiritual traditions such as Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Hinduism, and Buddhism that have guided people as they pass over. The Tibetan Book of the Dead and The Egyptian Book of the Dead, shamanic and pagan journeying, and tribal totems are just some examples.

You’ll also explore the fluidity and creativity of the metaphysical dimensions of the afterlife and learn how you can collaborate with them including careful consideration of what beings and scenarios you want with you in your journey into the clear light.

As you plan your metaphysical return to home, you’ll:

  • Be guided on how to create your personal map into the afterlife
  • Discover how to call in angels, helpers, and spirits who will support your transition
  • Explore the essential map of metaphysical dimensions in the afterlife
  • Gain new perspectives and insights on the meanings of heaven, paradise, purgatory, and the bardo states
  • Experience a guided meditation into a real here-and-now sense of what it means to go home to Source

Module 4: Finding Resolution, Healing & Celebration in Your Current Life


This session is an opportunity to celebrate your life’s great lessons and blessings. You’ll audit, investigate, and gain spiritual insights about the life you have led and are still experiencing.

You’ll explore, understand, and gain a deeper appreciation of this existence…

... while deepening your connection with the clear light of Source, using the energies and atmosphere that come with the thinning of the veil to transform and heal unfinished business and suffering in the here and now.

You’ll also review the major elements and dynamics of your life that have guided and influenced you thus far, which now require adjustments in the context of life beyond this dimension.

In this way, you can achieve substantial healing and resolution for yourself, family, friends, and others as you plan the return back to your true home.

As you find resolution, heal, and celebrate your current life, you’ll:

  • Gain new spiritual insights into the lessons and purpose of your life
  • Learn healing and resolution strategies for yourself and those around you
  • Be empowered by a deeper sense of gratitude and appreciation for your life
  • Deepen your connection to the clear light of Source healing unfinished business and suffering in the here and now

Module 5: Practical Planning to Bless Your Transition & Those Around You  


The end of life holds an opportunity for many blessings, including providing clarity and closure for those we love.

This begins with material practicalities such as explicit end-of-life instructions, including your will, funeral preparations, and memorial celebration.

You’ll work through a checklist of these essential elements... and learn how to approach crucial conversations with your loved ones, who may be reluctant to face reality and offer support.

In this context, your passing can actually become a great gift your last great gift to your loved ones, and become a grace-filled opportunity to bless your transition, your life, and those you love or who have cared for you.

You’ll also learn how to transform the five stages of grief into empowered gratitude.

In this module, you’ll:

  • Create an end-of-life plan that blesses your transition and those who care for you
  • Receive guidance on how to talk about end-of-life preparations with loved ones
  • Experience peace of mind, knowing that preparing for the end of life can be your last great gift to yourself and your loved ones
  • Transform the grief process of denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance into wisdom, gratitude, grace, courage, and confidence

Module 6: Supporting Others as They Journey Back Home


Learn the crucial emotional and psychological skills of spiritual companionship, whole body listening, and compassionate care...

... and discover how to apply all the concepts and skills of the previous sessions to support and bring peace to others on their journey.

You’ll also learn how the metaphysical and spiritual strategies that you use for your own passing can be transferred to help someone else pass gracefully into the clear light.

These skills can also be used to help souls who pass over in tragic circumstances, such as accidents, wars, disasters, and suicides.

As you learn how to help others on their journey back home, you’ll:

  • Develop strategies of deep spiritual service to help loved ones at the end of life
  • Help others obtain a graceful passage into the clear light
  • Learn how to help those in distressing circumstances, such as accidents, war, and environmental disasters experience a peaceful physical departure
  • Call in and receive help from angels and spirits

Module 7: Embracing Transitions & the Wholeness of Life


Your final session with William offers a gentle celebration and review of all that you have explored in previous classes.

In an ambience of reassurance, safety, and encouragement, you’ll assess all of your insights, epiphanies, and transformational opportunities.

Contemplating the end of life in this way can create meaningful shifts in consciousness, an expanded sense of compassion for yourself and others, and a deeper connection with Source. It also provides the developmental space for a life that is of greater service to all your presence will become a blessing for those around you.

Preparing for the end of life and the great journey also provides an opportunity for healing yourself, your family, and others in your ancestral and cultural constellation. The thinning of the veils the white light experience that many have when close to death can be expanded into the here and now.

During your last class with William, you’ll:

  • Assess your level of peace, calm, and confidence in the face of physical death your own and that of those you love
  • Experience a deeper sense of the wholeness of your life’s journey freeing yourself to be present in the richness of the here and now
  • Feel confident and useful in facing real-life emergencies and challenges with newfound skills, confidence, compassion, and strength
  • Transform anxieties around the end of life into wisdom, confidence, and understanding

The Sacred Journey of Dying Bonus Collection

In addition to William’s transformative 7-module virtual course, you’ll receive these special bonuses with leading visionaries and teachers to complement the course and take your understanding and practice to an even deeper level.


Poems for End of Life
PDF Guide From Dr. William Bloom

This PDF guide by William was designed for participants in this course and includes 22 pages of poems that speak of end of life by Shakespeare, Emily Dickinson, Christina Rossetti, J.R.R. Tolkien, and Rumi. Some are poignant and some are good-humored. All are sure to touch your heart and provide guidance and ceremonial practices for the end-of-life journey.


Soothing & Finding Peace on the Journey
Guided Audio Meditation From Dr. William Bloom

This beautifully produced guided meditation by William, recorded exclusively for participants of this course, teaches wonderful strategies for self-soothing and calming anxieties. It provides the foundation for contemplating the whole of life’s journey in a way that is safe, loving, and reassuring. As you relax into a deeper realization of the continuum of life, you’ll find you are better equipped to face life as it comes right now and able to offer this sense of peace and comfort to those you love as well.


Visualizing Your Wonderful Journey Into Heaven & the Clear Light
Guided Audio Meditation From Dr. William Bloom

This guided meditation by William, recorded exclusively for participants of this course, supports you in visualizing and experiencing the safe, loving, and welcoming environment you will discover after physical death. Step-by-step you will be guided into co-creating the space, the people, and the beings who will welcome you. Just imagine your favorite loved ones, animals, and places in nature all waiting to embrace you on the next stage of your journey!


Creating a Calm & Joyful Transition for a Loved One or Companion Into Heaven & the Clear Light
Guided Audio Meditation From Dr. William Bloom

This inspiring and insightful guided meditation by William, recorded exclusively for participants of this course, teaches you the core skills for supporting a loved one or companion’s transfer of consciousness across into the clear light. You’ll be guided on how to radiate a sense of calm and reassurance to soothe your loved one. Then, as you connect ever deeper with Source, you also exude a safe and fluid resonance that enables them to pass over easily and gracefully.


What Graduates of William’s Courses Are Saying...

“[Dr. Bloom] has a rare talent for making sometimes complex concepts accessible with engaging illustrations and stories.”

Dr. William Bloom delivers a lecture or facilitates a meditation with equal ease and friendliness. He has a rare talent for making sometimes complex concepts accessible with engaging illustrations and stories. I always enjoy listening to and learning with him.
Martine Moorby, United Kingdom

“I am not the same person anymore.”

Dr. Bloom has a way of modeling what he teaches. He IS what he teaches. So, learning from him is experiential. It is a wonderful, safe, and vast experience. I am not the same person anymore. I have grown in compassion and wisdom, and I am off to living my life with more ease and reassurance. I have learned that when I die, it can be a beautiful, gentle letting go of physicality, and a glorious state for my soul returning home.
Maria Böhm, San Pedro Cholula, México

“William is a gifted teacher.”

William is a gifted teacher. I was able to get my life priorities straight and move forward in much more peace. My meditation practice has been supported and improved. Also my belief system and my faith were affirmed.
Shara S., Maine

“William Bloom is an excellent spiritual guide and The Shift Network provided a stable, friendly and professional platform to access his many ideas.”

The course was excellent to take part in and it has subsequently deepened and enriched my existing meditation/life practice. William Bloom is an excellent spiritual guide and The Shift Network provided a stable, friendly and professional platform to access his many ideas. Many thanks to all involved.
Matt Szabo, Derbyshire, United Kingdom

The True Purpose of Your Soul’s Journey with William Bloom was another wonderful learning adventure...”

I have enjoyed courses hosted by The Shift Network for many years! I can always count on the quality of content and ease of participation, with the warmth and dedication of a supportive staff, through all aspects of enrollment. Even more, I appreciate the quality of facilitator offers, always insightful, relevant, professionally prepared, and impeccably delivered. The True Purpose of Your Soul’s Journey with William Bloom was another wonderful learning adventure, one which I will enjoy replaying as I continue to delve into the generous bonus materials.
Roxane, California

“William Bloom’s approach and the peaceful and sincere way in which he presented the course material was superb...”

William Bloom’s approach and the peaceful and sincere way in which he presented the course material was superb, at the right time and in the right way for my particular needs. My own spiritual work was in some ways dispersed; however, the course enabled me to refocus through the teaching and the theme of the Golden Thread, thanks to William Bloom’s excellent teaching and the way in which the course content was presented.
John Woodman, Cumbria, United Kingdom

“I really felt that this course helped me to make a more profound soul connection.”

I really felt that this course helped me to make a more profound soul connection. My understanding of the soul’s journey has deepened significantly, allowing me to open to new awareness of the beauty of life. It has set me on a course of reading and study that I would not otherwise have followed. I feel it has drawn together a number of strands of my life. It has been a truly transformative experience. 
Kirsty Macdonald, Isle of Lewis, Scotland

“While the course content was excellent, what really shone for me was Dr. William Bloom’s presence.”

While the course content was excellent, what really shone for me was Dr. William Bloom’s presence. It was as though there was some emanation of spirit, love, joy, wisdom, healing, and more that touched me deeply.
Renée, Boulder, Colorado

“William Bloom is a genuine soul who is sharing his decades of study and experience with us through this brilliant Shift Network course.”

William Bloom is a genuine soul who is sharing his decades of study and experience with us through this brilliant Shift Network course. Professional, informative, exciting.
Christine, Wales

“It was a great experience!”

I gained clarity and great inner peace from becoming aware of the eternal nature of the soul and following the process of the incarnation of a soul and what happens when the body dies and the soul rejoins it’s soul group, the temples of learning and how another incarnation comes to be. Thank you for such a rich and rewarding course and for William Bloom’s wisdom and gentle teaching style. It was a great experience!
Judy O’Higgins, Prescott, Arizona


Here’s What You’ll Receive

Seven 90-Minute Sessions With Dr. William Bloom

Experience a unique opportunity to learn from author and educator Dr. William Bloom, director of Spiritual Companions Trust from the comfort of your own home. Each video module guides you to discover specific skills and abilities to bless your life and the lives of your loved ones, and transition into the afterlife through a deep and empowered experience of the wholeness of your life’s journey.

Seven Transcripts of Sessions

In addition to the high-quality videos and MP3 audios, you’ll also receive the entire class transcription. You can then review, print, and highlight the most important insights and practices you were given.

Exercises and Questions for Each Lesson

Between sessions, you’ll have the option of completing related exercises, practicing new tools, and answering questions to accelerate your learning and integrate each lesson.

The Sacred Journey of Dying Bonus Collection
  • Poems for End of Life
    PDF Guide From Dr. William Bloom
  • Soothing & Finding Peace on the Journey
    Guided Audio Meditation From Dr. William Bloom
  • Visualizing Your Wonderful Journey Into Heaven & the Clear Light
    Guided Audio Meditation From Dr. William Bloom
  • Creating a Calm & Joyful Transition for a Loved One or Companion Into Heaven & the Clear Light
    Guided Audio Meditation From Dr. William Bloom

An Unprecedented Opportunity to Join The Sacred Journey of Dying Online Training


We feel honored that Dr. William Bloom has chosen to partner with The Shift Network to offer this exclusive online training. This is a unique opportunity to learn from the director of Spiritual Companions Trust, whose powerful insights and pioneering work are helping us heal and awaken ourselves and our world.

If you’re serious about blessing your life and loved ones, and transitioning into the afterlife through a deep and empowered experience of the wholeness of your life’s journey, then you owe it to yourself, your loved ones, and our world to take this one-of-a-kind training.

If you’re ready to take the next step in evolving yourself, click the register button below to reserve your space now.

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Your Satisfaction Is 100% Guaranteed!

Your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed! If you don’t absolutely LOVE The Sacred Journey of Dying or don’t feel that it meets your needs please submit your refund request form 2 weeks from your date of purchase and we’ll happily issue qualifying customers a refund.


More Praise for Dr. William Bloom...

“William Bloom has an encyclopaedic knowledge of meditation.”

Inner peace as easy as breathing. William Bloom has an encyclopaedic knowledge of meditation.
The Independent

“Britain’s leading and most experienced mind-body-spirit teacher.”

William Bloom is a modern Western mystic and considered by many to be Britain’s leading and most experienced mind-body-spirit teacher. The heart of his modernizing approach and inspiring courses is to help people discover their own best way to connect with the wonder and energy of life, and then support them in developing a regular spiritual practice.
Yoga Magazine

“Just to be in Dr. William Bloom’s presence is transformational.”

Just to be in Dr. William Bloom’s presence is transformational. He does indeed embody all of the characteristics of a highly integrated soul. His loving and compassionate demeanor is shown throughout his presentations. His wisdom about the soul is evident, and his desire to share this understanding is done with grace. I love his enthusiasm about the soul’s journeys, and he has erased all fear of death. He does indeed walk the talk!
Claudia Margitay-Balogh, Stratford, Connecticut

“William Bloom is really an exceptional expert in moving you into a state of gentle and loving awareness of being in oneness!”

William Bloom is really an exceptional expert in moving you into a state of gentle and loving awareness of being in oneness! With soft eyes and a tender attitude the path opens up to everyone!
Julia, Berlin, Germany

“I always profoundly benefit from William Bloom’s insights, it’s a privilege to connect, humbly grateful always.”

I feel more connected spiritually and on a soul level within myself and with others, it can seem a lonely existence for myself. I always profoundly benefit from William Bloom’s insights, it’s a privilege to connect, humbly grateful always.
Karen, United Kingdom


About Dr. William Bloom

William Bloom, PhD, is one of the UK’s leading educators and authors in the field of spirituality and wellbeing. He is director of the Spiritual Companions Trust, which pioneered the first UK government-approved course in spirituality and health. His background includes a 2-year off-grid retreat in the High Atlas Mountains of southern Morocco.

His many books include Psychic Protection... Working With Angels... Fairies And Nature Spirits... The Sacred Magician... The Endorphin Effect... and The Power of the New Spirituality. He is on the faculty of the Findhorn Foundation, Europe’s leading eco-spiritual center, and a trustee of Glastonbury Abbey. He has delivered many trainings in the hospice sector, especially around the practices of supporting the transfer of consciousness.


Frequently Asked Questions


Q: What is your refund policy?
A: Your satisfaction with The Shift Network and this course is our highest priority! We offer a satisfaction guarantee for a full two weeks so that you can try out the course risk free. The deadline to receive a refund is two weeks from your date of purchase. To request a refund, please click here to submit your Refund Application Form. Your refund will be processed within five business days and we will send you an email confirmation when your refund has been completed. However, we’d love to have a chance to address and resolve your concerns first. If there’s something we can assist you with, please email us at support@theshiftnetwork.com, and we’ll be happy to help!


Q: How can I reach Customer Support?
A: Please visit our Customer Support Center, where you should be able to find the answer to your question or the solution to your problem. And if you can’t, you can submit an online request form and we’ll get right back to you.
