With Spiritual Emergence Pioneer, Teacher & Author
Paul Levy

A 12-Module On-Demand Video Training
PLUS Paul Levy’s 7-Module Introductory Program!


Clearly diagnose and heal the mind-virus that plagues our world and understand how it impacts your own psyche as you explore how to intervene in the world and genuinely make a difference.

During this profound inquiry, you’ll access the creative realizations you’ll need to avert catastrophes and become a catalyst for the awakening of humanity as a whole with guidance from your mentor Paul Levy and continued support from our global community.

This unique opportunity to study with Paul over the span of 12 modules is exclusively for those who’ve already begun this deep inner work to fully understand how wetiko is at the root of what informs and underlies our personal and collective dysfunction on every scale. For this reason, this advanced course is bundled with Paul’s 7-module introductory course Breaking Free From the Spell of Wetiko to Heal the Mind Blindness That Plagues Our World. Please click here to read more about the introductory course.

As you step into this advanced course with Paul, you’ll deepen your exploration of the profound nature of the mind-virus and what we can do about it to activate its transformative potential.

Because wetiko is a living revelation, in this course Paul’s teachings will not have any preset curriculum,  but rather, will respond to the unique moment in time of each class and be deeply informed by student’s questions and reflections.

It’s less about a structured curriculum and more of a shared journey into frontiers of mind, consciousness, and awakening that few have ever explored.

You’ll better decipher wetiko and understand how this elusive and shape-shifting virus of the mind is shaping your life and our collective current events in the world at large at this unique and critically important historical moment…

Through extended Q&A sessions, meditation, writing, and creating through art, this course will provide novel and invaluable perspectives lenses and tools to understand and recontextualize your experience of being alive, helping you see wetiko and access your intrinsic creative gifts that have yet to be liberated…

Discover Your Unique & Creative Articulations of Wetiko

As you’ve learned, wetiko is at the very root of the collective madness that our species is acting out in the world today. A form of blindness of the mind, the cure for wetiko involves truly seeing it…

As you deepen your understanding and connect with your personal realization of wetiko, you’ll enlarge and creatively add to the ever-growing corpus of studies on wetiko.

According to Paul, as psychospiritual diagnosticians, your role in studying wetiko is like that of an explorer, map maker, or cartographer who is continually working at the cutting edge, outlining the ever-morphing contours and features of a novel universe that continually grows in richness so as to keep pace with our expanding awareness.

The ways wetiko will manifest depends on whether we recognize what it’s revealing to us about ourselves and our place in the world. As Paul will show you, you already have everything you need to wake up and genuinely transform the myriad self-created world crises that are rapidly converging on our world.

As you’ll discover, truly seeing wetiko is a transformative experience that adds dimensionality to your mind and transforms you at the core of your being.


In this in-depth program of awakening and healing, you’ll explore:

  • Explore how wetiko impacts the world and reveals itself at this exact moment in time, including through climate change (and the lack of response and confusion around the issue), threat of nuclear war, social injustice, political malfeasance, financial corruption, endless war, and more
  • Liberate yourself from the ways wetiko covertly operates through your unconscious blind spots, simultaneously hiding your true nature while tricking you into identifying with a false and limited version of yourself
  • How wetiko can expand your consciousness, open your heart, unleash your intrinsic creative power, and ensure you’ll take advantage of your divine endowment
  • An inquiry into wetiko that connects dots and recognizes the deeper patterns that inform and give shape to both world events and reactions within the inner landscape of your mind so we can stop being complicit in (unwittingly) dreaming up our own self-destruction
  • Your reality shaping, divine gifts and powers that unconsciously help create the world
  • Why trying to fit wetiko into the box of our existing understanding ensures that we won’t see it, as it necessarily operates outside our ordinary understanding
  • Participate in a critically important evolutionary leap forward in which you’ll step out of the limited, partial, and fragmented viewpoint of the separate self
  • Recognize and directly experience your interconnection with the universe and realize the primary role consciousness plays in crafting your moment-to-moment experience
  • Wrap your mind around the nonlocal and multidimensional nature of wetiko through bi-directional thinking (thinking simultaneously in two directions) to cultivate a broader, more expansive, and omni-directional vision, bringing together multiple known points of view
  • The revelations that emerge from the living experience of becoming consciously aware of what is called the plenum the boundless luminosity that’s the very fabric of your being and source of the most sublime creativity imaginable
  • And much more

Find Yourself at the Growing Edge of a Universe That’s Overflowing with Magic

When you find your voice and articulate wetiko in as many creative ways as you can imagine, your multi-perspectival vision simultaneously gives you a higher resolution, providing you with a greater scope and capacity to see what no single map or model can reveal.

You’ll participate in a magical rite as Paul guides you to circumambulate around the mystery of wetiko so you can illuminate it. As you focus your attention on the center, you’ll activate the innate healing power you find there your authentic, naturally creative self.

You’ll recognize the dreamlike nature of the universe, where mind and matter become indistinguishable and realize your role as a creative dreamer with the intrinsic ability to not only dispel wetiko, but transform it into medicine that can potentially benefit yourself and the larger world.

What You’ll Experience in Each Session

In this highly unique program for Paul’s graduates only, you’ll have the powerful benefit of his spontaneous teachings based on what is alive in the present moment in time.

During each session of this program, you’ll:

  • Access Paul’s expertise and further explore wetiko in this deeper, more intimate course setting
  • Delve more deeply into Paul’s teachings from his 7-module course
  • Reveal and help transform wetiko as it shows up in your personal life and the collective through meditation, writing, dreaming, and creating through art
  • Participate in expanded Q&A sessions

What You’ll Discover in These 12 Modules

In this 12-part transformational intensive, Paul will guide you through the fundamental skills and competencies you’ll need to successfully create, clearly diagnose and heal the mind-virus that is at the root of our collective insanity and understand how it impacts your own psyche as you explore how to intervene in the world in a way that makes a difference.

This course will feature step-by-step teachings and experiential practices with Paul. Each session will build harmoniously upon the previous ones, so you’ll develop a complete holistic understanding of the practices, tools, and principles you’ll need to clearly diagnose and heal the mind-virus that is plaguing our world and understand how it impacts your own psyche.


Wetiko’s Impact on Your Life & Our World Bonus Collection

In addition to Paul’s transformative virtual courses, you’ll receive these special bonuses to complement the course and take your understanding and practice to an even deeper level.


Awakened by Darkness
PDF Version of the 600-Page Book by Paul Levy

This classic book is Paul Levy’s personal story of how he managed to come through extreme psychological abuse from an emotionally disturbed father to not only find his inner voice, creative spirit, and life’s work, but a deeper sense of wholeness as well. As Radical Regeneration author Carolyn Baker put it, this book invites you to move with Paul “beyond the paralysis of victimization to the empowerment of seizing and savoring the opportunity for transformation.”


Bonus Q&A Session With Paul
Hour-Long Session With Paul Levy

Students of Paul Levy know how energetically and quickly the Q&A sessions with him end! There are always more lively questions than time to answer everything. That’s why this bonus session offers you an extra hour of questions & answers that will deepen your understanding.


My Encounters With Wetiko
Video Dialogue With Paul Levy and Lisa Bonnice

In 1981, Paul experienced what his doctors considered to be a nervous breakdown. It was actually a spiritual awakening, one that changed his life’s path forever. Since 1993, he’s been giving talks and facilitating groups to help others in the process of awakening from the collective dream. Listen as Paul shares his story with one of Shift’s most engaging interviewers, Lisa Bonnice.


What Graduates of Paul’s Courses Are Saying…

“[Paul’s] insight is unprecedented.”

If you've ever had such a deep trauma that you can't speak of it, knowing others would be clueless and not support you, or judge you, then Paul is the one to tune into. His insight is unprecedented. His experience surreal and freshly and eloquently revealed as to its truth.
Rochelle, San Diego

“Paul is not only a great teacher but a wonderful person as well.”

Paul’s course showed up at the perfect time in my life. Each week, the sessions were just exactly what I needed with what was occurring in my (inner/outer) life at the time. Some of the things I appreciate most about Paul are his sincerity, his down-to-earth(ness) while exploring wild topics, his accessibility, his knowledge, and the way he makes the material easy to understand and applicable to daily life. Paul is not only a great teacher but a wonderful person as well. In addition to this course and future courses with him, I also recommend his books and individual sessions. I am grateful beyond words and worlds to have come to know him and his work.
Amy Sue Adams, Altoona, Pennsylvania

“This course with Paul Levy has been a revelation.”

This course with Paul Levy has been a revelation. He offers language and powerful insights into the deeper realities of our everyday life. Once you have listened to his stories, awareness is shifted, awakening happens.
Tayria Ward, Asheville, North Carolina

“Paul has a great deal to teach all of us about the rich complexity of the psyche, the shadow within we must all confront, and the beauty and magic of our soul.”

Paul Levy is passionately devoted to mysticism and depth psychology. He is steeped in the teachings of Carl Jung and Tibetan Buddhism. I was deeply inspired to embrace my creative soul and live from its energies just listening to him. He is so obviously in love with what he is teaching that his enthusiasm cannot help but spark his students’ latent creative potential. Paul has a great deal to teach all of us about the rich complexity of the psyche, the shadow within we must all confront, and the beauty and magic of our soul.
Kat Whiting, New Jersey

“I found Paul Levy to be a powerful teacher coming from deep experience and long-term devotion to his path.”

I found Paul Levy to be a powerful teacher coming from deep experience and long-term devotion to his path. His passion comes through, as he weaves together teachings about the dream-like nature of reality, quantum physics, wetiko, and shamanism. Paul's personal testimony and deep knowledge was quite impactful for widening my awareness of these important issues which affect how I operate from my everyday awareness.
David Schwartz, Montclair, New Jersey

“This course has left me with an enlarged world view, shed light on so many inexplicable things I've struggled to make sense of.”

Paul Levy's teaching blended several concepts I had been familiar with, yet his method of interweaving them had pieces of the puzzle fall into place for me. He is a passionate, brilliant, deeply profound teacher. This course has left me with an enlarged world view, shed light on so many inexplicable things I've struggled to make sense of.
Patrice Kaufman, Berkley, Michigan

“Paul's genius in putting words to concepts I've been struggling to express has been so validating and inspiring.”

Paul's genius in putting words to concepts I've been struggling to express has been so validating and inspiring. Going forward his work will continue to inform my personal path as well as the healing work I do with others. I'm very grateful for Paul's generosity in sharing his wisdom, and to The Shift Network for providing him with a platform to do so.
C.J., Bartlett, Illinois

“This course has truly changed the way I am living!”

I believe deeply in Paul Levy's work. He is bridging worlds that I have not seen anyone else do in the same way. This is invaluable in my opinion. I am so grateful to him and to The Shift Network for hosting him. This course has truly changed the way I am living! I understand the nature of reality in a completely different way now!
Diana Yourke, Northampton, Massachusetts

“This course and Paul Levy's writings are mind blowing.”

This course and Paul Levy's writings are mind blowing. I am immensely grateful for these teachings, as they provide me with a glimpse of our unlimited potential. They have given me a totally new way of understanding what is taking place in the world and most importantly, what can be done to awaken ourselves to a more compassionate and peaceful world.
Juliette, Basel, Switzerland

“Understanding wetiko has really helped me to heal personally.”

As I have been going through my extremely difficult, wonderful, and life-changing spiritual awakening, I keep running into the word wetiko. I had started to understand that it is part of my awakening, as I learned more about what narcissistic abuse is. It helped to have a name for the entity that I encountered that had seemed to engulf The abuser. Understanding wetiko has really helped me to heal personally.
Therese Phillips, Elk Grove, California


Here’s What You’ll Receive

Twelve 90-Minute Class Sessions With Paul Levy

Experience a unique opportunity to learn from spiritual emergence pioneer, teacher, and author Paul Levy from the comfort of your own home. Each class session includes a streaming video option and guides you to clearly diagnose and heal the mind-virus culture and understand how it impacts your own psyche and explore how to intervene in collective patterns.

Twelve Transcripts of Class Sessions

In addition to the high-quality videos and MP3 audios, you’ll also receive the entire class transcription after each session is completed. You can then review, print, and highlight the most important insights and practices you were given.

Exercises and Questions for Each Lesson

Between class sessions, you’ll have the option of completing related exercises, practicing new tools, and answering questions to accelerate your learning and integrate each lesson.

7-Module Introductory Course

This advanced course is bundled with only Paul’s 7-module introductory course. With this purchase, you'll also get instant access to his introductory course Breaking Free From the Spell of Wetiko to Heal the Mind Blindness That Plagues Our World. Please click here to read more about the introductory course.

Wetiko’s Impact on Your Life & Our World Bonus Collection
  • Awakened by Darkness
    PDF Version of the 600-Page Book by Paul Levy
  • Bonus Session With Paul
    Hour-Long Session With Paul Levy
  • My Encounters With Wetiko
    Video Dialogue With Paul Levy and Lisa Bonnice

An Unprecedented Opportunity to Join the Deepen Your Journey to Transmute Wetiko’s Impact on Your Life & Our World Online Training


We feel honored that Paul Levy has chosen to partner with The Shift Network to offer this exclusive online training. This is a unique opportunity to learn from a spiritual emergence pioneer, teacher, and author whose powerful insights and pioneering work are helping us heal and awaken ourselves and our world.

If you’re serious about clearly diagnosing and healing the mind-virus culture to understand how it impacts your own psyche and explore how to intervene in collective patterns, then xyou owe it to yourself, your loved ones, and our world to take this one-of-a-kind training.

If you’re ready to take the next step in evolving yourself, click the register button below to reserve your space now.


NOTE: This advanced course is bundled with Paul’s 7-module introductory course Breaking Free From the Spell of Wetiko to Heal the Mind Blindness That Plagues Our World. Please click here to read more about the introductory course.

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Your Satisfaction Is 100% Guaranteed!

Your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed! If you don’t absolutely LOVE Deepen Your Journey to Transmute Wetiko’s Impact on Your Life & Our World or don’t feel that it meets your needs please submit your refund request form 2 weeks from your date of purchase and we’ll happily issue qualifying customers a refund.


More Praise for Paul Levy

“I love Paul Levy’s work.”

Sting, Grammy Award-winning recording artist

“Paul Levy is an authentic visionary genius.”

Andrew Harvey, author of The Hope: A Guide to Sacred Activism and Savage Grace

“Paul has the answers to the questions everyone is asking...”

I believe Paul Levy has identified the unidentifiable the psychic virus that is the active contaminant of humanity. Paul has answered the questions everyone is asking: What is happening to us and what is our way through?
Caroline Myss, author of Intimate Conversations With the Divine and Anatomy of the Spirit

“... sees into the real nature of our crushing global endgame...”

No one else writing in America today, in whatever genre, sees into the real nature of our crushing global endgame emergency more deeply, steadily, or wholly than Paul Levy.
Eric Larsen, professor emeritus at John Jay College of Criminal Justice (CUNY)


About Paul Levy

A creative artist, author, and wounded healer, Paul Levy is founder of the Awaken in the Dream community in Portland, Oregon. Deeply steeped in the work of Swiss psychoanalyst Carl Jung, Paul is a longtime Tibetan Buddhist practitioner, having intimately studied for the past 35 years with some of the greatest spiritual masters of Tibet and Burma. For over 20 years, he was coordinator for the Padmasambhava Buddhist Center in Portland.

In 1981, catalyzed by an intense psychological trauma, Paul had a life-changing spiritual awakening in which he began to recognize the dreamlike nature of reality. During the first year of his spiritual emergence, Paul was hospitalized a number of times, and was told he was having a severe psychotic break from reality. He was (mis)diagnosed as having manic-depressive (now called bipolar) disorder. He has since become a pioneer in the field of spiritual emergence. Paul is currently in private practice, helping others who are also awakening to the dreamlike nature of reality.

Paul is the author of Wetiko: Healing The Mind-Virus That Plagues Our World... The Quantum Revelation: A Radical Synthesis of Science and Spirituality... Dispelling Wetiko: Breaking the Curse of Evil... and Awakened by Darkness: When Evil Becomes Your Father. He has published numerous articles on healing, dreaming, and awakening.

NOTE: This advanced course is bundled with Paul’s 7-module introductory course Breaking Free From the Spell of Wetiko to Heal the Mind Blindness That Plagues Our World. Please click here to read more about the introductory course.


Frequently Asked Questions


Q: What is your refund policy?
A: Your satisfaction with The Shift Network and this course is our highest priority! We offer a satisfaction guarantee for a full two weeks so that you can try out the course risk free. The deadline to receive a refund is two weeks from your date of purchase. To request a refund, please click here to submit your Refund Application Form. Your refund will be processed within five business days and we will send you an email confirmation when your refund has been completed. However, we’d love to have a chance to address and resolve your concerns first. If there’s something we can assist you with, please email us at support@theshiftnetwork.com, and we’ll be happy to help!


Q: How can I reach Customer Support?
A: Please visit our Customer Support Center, where you should be able to find the answer to your question or the solution to your problem. And if you can’t, you can submit an online request form and we’ll get right back to you.

NOTE: This advanced course is bundled with Paul’s 7-module introductory course Breaking Free From the Spell of Wetiko to Heal the Mind Blindness That Plagues Our World. Please click here to read more about the introductory course.
