With Award-Winning Author &
Internationally Recognized Teacher of Medical Intuition
Tina Zion

A 7-Module On-Demand Video Training


Expand the healing impact you can have by enlisting the guidance of experts from nonphysical realms.

Enhance your medical intuitive skills with astral projection, remote viewing, and telepathy.

Have you been working hard to cultivate your intuitive abilities as a healer, but the results you’ve had so far don’t seem to reflect all your hard work and dedication?

In the realm of medical intuition, a hard and determined worker or seeker is the exact opposite of someone who trusts and allows the divine timing of intuitive insights and signals from the Universe.

In fact, working hard in an intuitive sense is the equivalent to swimming upstream. It’s exhausting!

The good news, as medical intuitive and psychic medium Tina Zion teaches, is that in letting go and allowing the divine wisdom of the current of life to carry you, you’ll likely receive so much more than your hard work and determination could ever give you.

Because downstream is where you begin to work with and not against your highest good. Downstream is where you enter the state of allowing that reignites a sense of curiosity about what’s possible in life…

and welcomes into the fold all of the cooperative components that you need to succeed whether expert guidance from nonphysical realms, divine activations, or new revelations of your own healing ability.

During this skill-building immersion on medical intuition with Tina, you’ll deepen your trust and alignment with the flow of the Universe to receive higher insights, cultivate advanced healing techniques for yourself and others, and design the medical intuitive toolbox that supports your natural intuitive gifts and intentions on your path to being a medical intuitive practitioner.

A compassionate and humble teacher, Tina has taught thousands around the world, including many courses with Shift, on how to cultivate and deepen their medical intuitive skills to heal themselves and others.

This is the FIRST time she’ll be teaching how to expand and extend these skills as a medical intuitive practitioner!

During your time with her, you’ll do the same… including deepening your technique and accuracy with astral projection, remote viewing, and calling in specific experts from nonphysical realms.

You’ll experience guided meditations that take you straight into the aura of another, explore your aptitude for telepathy, and deepen your understanding of your own toroidal field and how it cycles the thoughts and feelings of yourself and others for better or worse.

Tina will offer new insights and techniques for removing the subconscious blocks that stand between you and your intuitive abilities…

… helping you maintain a clear energy field that empowers you in a state of flow where you’re more adept to receive synchronicities and accurate intuitive “pops” of information.

And then, you’ll practice and refine these techniques by working with those in your life who grant permission, as well as your classmates.

Are you ready to deepen the healthful impact you can have on yourself and others by enhancing your medical intuitive skills and designing the medical intuitive toolbox that supports your natural intuitive gifts on your path to being a medical intuitive practitioner?

Join Tina’s skill-building immersion for advancing your medical intuitive gifts, skills, and intentions as a medical intuitive practitioner!


During this deepening of your medical intuitive skills, you’ll:

  • Consider what being a medical intuitive practitioner means for you and start designing the toolbox that aligns with your natural gifts and intentions as a medical intuitive practitioner
  • Call in medical intuition specialists from nonphysical realms to help you to access accurate information about the life and health of your client
  • Learn how to astrally project and why astral projection and remote viewing are viable tools for deepening access to specific areas of a client’s energy field and intuitive accuracy
  • Experience a guided meditation to notice the soulful signals the Universe gave you that brought you to this topic
  • Learn new tactics for readying yourself to receive signals in new and surprising ways
  • Conduct a medical intuitive assessment on a person in your life
  • Deepen your understanding of how thoughts and spoken words are catalyzing electrical signals to the Universe
  • Experience a guided meditation with your toroidal field to deliberately get in charge of your thoughts and direct your energy field to prevent absorbing negative energy from others
  • Recognize any blocks that are undermining your intuition
  • Explore how medical intuitive accuracy is dependent upon the words you use
  • Practice using your natural telepathic abilities
  • Experience how auras are instantly and constantly changing with thoughts, emotions, and life situations
  • Gain a new perspective of the higher self and how it may not be very different as the energy within you now
  • How to keep your channel clear to receive the information that can lift people up as a medical intuitive healing practitioner

What You’ll Discover in These 7 Modules

In this 7-module transformational intensive, Tina will guide you through the fundamental skills you’ll need to deepen the healthful impact you can have on yourself and others by enlisting the guidance of experts from nonphysical realms and enhancing your medical intuitive skills with astral projection, remote viewing, telepathy, and other advanced energy medicine techniques.


This course will feature step-by-step teachings and experiential practices with Tina. Each session will build harmoniously upon the previous ones, so you’ll develop a complete holistic understanding of the practices, tools, and principles you’ll need to deepen the healthful impact you can have on yourself and others and enhance your medical intuitive skills with astral projection, remote viewing, telepathy, and other advanced energy medicine techniques.

Module 1: A New Lens on Medical Intuition & Your Soul’s Interconnectedness With the Universe


What does it mean to become a medical intuitive practitioner? Medical intuition in and of itself is a broad term that generally means many different things to different practitioners.

During this opening module, you’ll begin to consider your goals as a medical intuitive practitioner by delving deeper into your personal intuitive gifts… and the foundational skills and practices needed to heal yourself and others.

Medical intuition covers a spectrum that is significantly broader than you might think! In fact, even the signs and signals that led you to this course are part of the process.

As such, Tina will guide you through a meditation that deepens your perspective about who and what you are in order to access higher levels of learning, intuition, and awareness.

In this module, you’ll:

  • Consider what being a medical intuitive practitioner means for you
  • Delve deeper into your personal intuitive gifts to uncover higher levels of learning
  • Learn the ethics of permission when working as a practitioner at this level
  • Deepen your intuition by exploring new dimensions of your imagination
  • Experience a guided meditation to notice the soulful signals the Universe gave you that brought you to this topic

Module 2: How to Be Clear, Distinct & Discreet When Calling in Helpers From Nonphysical Realms


When you call out to the Universe for help, who arrives to assist you?

If you are not clear about your requests, the Universe cannot respond clearly and virtually anyone could show up.

You’ll deepen your understanding of how your words and thoughts are specific energy signals going outward to the Universe that are vital to your success as a medical intuitive practitioner.

In fact, your accuracy as a medical intuitive depends on it!

You’ll learn how to call in medical intuitive specialists and other specialists from the nonphysical realms and the importance of intention in commanding with spoken words. You’ll build on this by exploring how to use your natural telepathic abilities.

During the second class, you’ll:

  • Deepen your understanding of how thoughts and spoken words are catalyzing electrical signals to the Universe
  • Learn how to call in medical intuition specialists from nonphysical realms to help you to access accurate information about the life and health of your client
  • Explore how medical intuitive accuracy is dependent upon the words you use
  • Practice using your natural telepathic abilities
  • Experience an advanced guided meditation for calling in sacred specialists

Module 3: Looking Into Auras and Energy Fields & a New Idea About the Higher Self


Modern science is steadily recognizing energy fields as a reality that can be harnessed to gain greater insights into illness and healing.

You’ll deepen your knowledge of auras and the significance the aura has for a medical intuitive practitioner.

You’ll also tap into electrical vibrations of information to experience your own aura… and then perceive the aura of a volunteer.

In this module, you’ll:

  • Experience how auras are instantly and constantly changing with thoughts, emotions, and life situations
  • Learn how auras reflect your current life and your history at the same time
  • Gain a new perspective of the higher self and how it may not be very different as the energy within you now
  • Be guided through a meditation on seeing, feeling, and perceiving your aura

Module 4: How the Universe Is Signaling You All the Time


Now that you know medical intuition is not just about the physical body, you’ll learn how it can also be about negative struggles or negative lifestyles… and how to bring healing to those patterns.

You’ll expand the parameters of belief in terms of how medical intuitive signals come to you: through dreams, déjà vu, deceased people, synchronicity, living people, the environment, nature, animals, accidents, numbers, and repetitive life patterns, and more.

And you’ll learn how to communicate these signals to your family, friends, or clients who ask about these events as they’re occurring in their lives.

Intuition and medical intuition is constantly communicating through signals. Learning how to recognize and receive the “pops” of information as they come will enhance your skills as a medical intuitive practitioner.

In this module, you’ll:

  • Experience affirmation on how the Universe is alive and speaking to you 24 hours a day through intuitive signals
  • Learn new tactics for readying yourself to receive signals in new and surprising ways
  • Enhance your interpersonal skills so that you can effectively help others become more aware and confident in their ability to receive signals
  • Conduct a medical intuitive assessment on a person in your life what is the message?

Module 5: Astral Projection & Remote Viewing for Accuracy


You’ll learn why astral projection can and should be a tool in your medical intuitive toolbox.

Intuitives, mediums, and medical intuitives often use astral projection to gain clarity on the health issues that their clients are facing. You’ll gain this knowledge as well by learning how to astrally project and when this viable tool could be used to deepen your access to specific areas of client’s energy field and intuitive accuracy.

You’ll also gain new techniques for scanning a human body… and how to do it as accurately as possible.

In this module, you’ll:

  • Gain deeper insights into astral projection and remote viewing as viable tools for deepening access to specific areas of a client’s energy field and intuitive accuracy
  • Explore energetic tools and abilities to increase accuracy as a healing practitioner for others
  • Glean new insight into your natural ability to project your energy field and perceive and see from far away
  • Delve into why it’s important to be deliberately thoughtful, aware, and conscious of your empowerment
  • Experience a guided meditation to astrally project outward to a volunteer (who has granted you permission) as you remote-view their energy field and body

Module 6: Stop Absorbing the Energy of Others Healthier Thoughts & Actions for the Empath in You


If you’re like most intuitives, you likely feel that you absorb negative energy from people, events, the environment, and the entire world around you.

You’ll explore the difference between receiving intuition and absorbing intuitive information… and identify the effects of absorbing energy, how it happens, and how to keep yourself safe.

You’ll expand your medical intuitive skills by becoming a conscious receiver of intuitive energy rather than an unconscious absorber of energy… and receive new tools for getting more in charge of your own energy body to deepen your understanding of your full power.

  In this module, you’ll:

  • Deepen your awareness of the importance of learning to shine from the inside out
  • Understand how merging into the heavy emotional energy of others only adds to the burden and heaviness of emotional energy in the world
  • Explore how to keep your channel clear to receive the information that can lift people up
  • Experience a guided meditation with your toroidal field to deliberately get in charge of your thoughts and direct your energy field to prevent absorbing negative energy from others
  • Submit questions or comments on the blocks that might still be getting in the way of your medical intuitive abilities

Module 7: Celebrating Your Successes & Uncovering What May Be Hindering Them


In this concluding class, Tina will help you uncover any blocks you may be experiencing in your intuition and guide you to greater ease in becoming a medical intuitive practitioner.

You’ll learn methods to escalate your intuitive awareness and intuitive abilities that don't involve hard work… and align with your natural abilities, remembering how you are wired at birth to actively utilize intuition every moment of every day.

During the last class, you’ll:

  • Recognize any blocks that are undermining your intuition and determine if you have been working hard to be intuitive
  • Notice if you have been a searcher or worker or a receiver of intuitive information
  • Deepen the trust you have in yourself as the foundation you need to cultivate your inner wisdom
  • Release the expectations you have of intuition to improve your accuracy
  • Develop a daily routine for noticing if a belief is right for you 
  • Start designing the medical intuitive toolbox that aligns with your natural gifts and intentions as a medical intuitive practitioner

The Foundations of Medical Intuition Bonus Collection

In addition to Tina’s transformative 7-module virtual course, you’ll receive these special bonuses to complement the course and take your understanding and practice to an even deeper level.


“I Know That I Am Going to Hell”: A Case Study
PDF Excerpt From a Book Chapter by Tina Zion

Dr. Michael Newton asked people who were certified in his Life Between Lives Regression Method to submit case studies to be considered for his book, Memories of the Afterlife. Out of the hundreds of case studies submitted, Tina’s was one of the few selected. In this PDF, you’ll explore the story of Amy, a young woman who’d been conditioned to expect a horrifying life after death. During a Life Between Lives Regression, Amy found something else: comfort from a loving guide, support from her soul group, forgiveness, free will, and freedom.


Identify the Core Struggles Leading to Illness
Audio Dialogue With Tina Zion and Wendy Halley

Listen in as wisdom-keeper Wendy Halley of Lucid Café explores Tina’s awareness of the nonphysical world, her ability to live with one foot in the physical and one foot in the nonphysical at the same time, and how the world is constantly sending us intuitive information. Tina shares how we can expand our psychic abilities to identify the core struggles leading to illness, and that intuition is not a special gift enjoyed by only a select few, but that with practice something anyone can learn.


Turning Your Skills Into a Healing Practice
PDF Article From Tina Zion

Explore Tina’s most effective tips and advice on taking your passion and skills into the professional world. You’ll glean practical business tips on how to address both the physical and the energetic aspects of starting and continuing your own healing practice. Discover grounded, practical information you can put to use today!


Deep Self-Love and True Empowerment
Video Teaching With PDF Companion From Tina Zion

Dive into two powerful tools to increase your self-love and empowerment through simple daily practices that take only one minute. Explore how every thought you think and every word you say aloud sends powerful electrical signals through your physical body, into your energy field, throughout your environment, and then out into the Universe. Discover how to direct your thoughts in specific, powerful ways so you can truly be the commander of your body and your life. In addition to an instructional video from Tina, you’ll receive a PDF with Tina’s Daily Empowerment Practice and her Healing Commands for Absolute Self-Love.


What Graduates of Tina’s Courses Are Saying...


Maryann Kelly: “Tina Makes Information Accessible, Understandable, Digestible, and Able to Be Applied”

Betty Ann Dean: “I Am Able to Do Client Sessions on a Level I Never Expected to Be Able to Achieve”

Tammy Barton: “I've Seen Miracles Happen”

Courtney Dillon: “Tina Has Helped Me Revolutionize the Way I Work With Other People”

Michelle McClintock: “Tina Is So Patient With Me in Helping Me Hone My Medical Intuitive Skills”

Cristiana Manole: “Tina's Methods Are So Powerful, and Yet So Simple”

“Tina’s unconditional love for all is beautiful and palpable and I am so grateful to have had this opportunity to study with her.”

Tina is an amazing teacher who helped me to trust my intuition once again, that “pop” that first comes to one’s awareness after asking a question. Tina’s unconditional love for all is beautiful and palpable and I am so grateful to have had this opportunity to study with her. She is a gift of light to the world. In gratitude.
Karin Young, Gabriola Island, Canada

“I use Tina’s healing methods and techniques almost every day..”

Tina Zion’s courses are fabulous!! I use Tina’s healing methods and techniques almost every day. I highly recommend The Shift Network. I had a fantastic experience.
Linda S., Los Angeles, California

“I am happy to have my life back.”

Five years ago, I experienced a trauma event that left me with intense headaches lasting most of the day. I had other brain-function issues, including brain fog, memory loss, mental focus difficulty, and more. After doing exercises Tina included in her course, I can say, my daily headaches are reduced in intensity and frequency, and I now have zero or just one per day. My brain fog also reduced, and is now almost rare. I am happy to have my life back.
Lovetta, Oakland, California

“Tina’s course has brought mental, emotional, and physical healing to me in multiple ways.”

Tina’s course has brought mental, emotional, and physical healing to me in multiple ways. Energizing the toroidal field is a fabulous way to start the day and I utilize it throughout the day. I can feel my energetic field becoming consistently stronger and clearer.
Kelly, Canada

“This course reassures the student that ANYONE CAN DO THIS.”

Before this course and the preceding one by Tina Zion about medical intuition, I had a general understanding that the causes of illness exist in the energy field, but I didn't have an organized “toolbox” for addressing them. I have an expanded feeling of inner peace, knowing that I have practices and divine and sacred guides to assist me in any healing and expansion of intuition that I choose to enact. This course reassures the student that ANYONE CAN DO THIS. However, a course is only as good as the teacher, and you could not ask for a better teacher than Tina Zion. She is genuine, joyful, humorous, down-to-earth, and caring. Her knowledge and experience in the field of medical intuition is rich, and her way of communicating is totally engaging.
Angie Tharpe, Victoria, Virginia

“Tina has such beautiful and gentle energy all around her that makes us feel at ease, and the topics she covered are very thorough and practical.”

This was the most beneficial course I have taken with The Shift Network. Tina has such beautiful and gentle energy all around her that makes us feel at ease, and the topics she covered are very thorough and practical. I am very grateful for the knowledge and techniques that I learned from her and will be using them for the rest of my life.
Chikako, Milwaukee, Wisconsin

“My mood is better, I have more energy, I’ve had many amazing healings, and I feel great!”

I love how Tina easily teaches us many ways to heal our minds, bodies, and souls as well as our past-life traumas and those of our ancestors. She is so patient and encouraging while making difficult concepts easy, and the course flows naturally. My mood is better, I have more energy, I’ve had many amazing healings, and I feel great! I recommend Tina Zion's course, and would gladly take more.
Stacy, Merced, California

“I have become almost a completely different human, capable of managing my own energy field for my best health outcomes.”

This course with Tina Zion definitely does not disappoint! I feel that over just a few short weeks I have become almost a completely different human, capable of managing my own energy field for my best health outcomes. I am very confident with healing my past lives and past interactions with people to get much better relationships and outcomes right now in my life. Tina breaks the information down to be so clearly understood and I really enjoyed the real-time experiences she facilitated to demonstrate how powerful we are. This has been such a breakthrough for me in my path, and I absolutely thank and bless Tina Zion and The Shift Network for bringing this together!
Narelle, Brisbane, Australia

“The Shift Network courses have broadened my life experience and expanded my knowledge base on the topic of alternative healing methods.”

The Shift Network courses have broadened my life experience and expanded my knowledge base on the topic of alternative healing methods. I've been inspired by the variety of whole self healing options accessible for utilization in one constant location, steadily confirming the existence of mind, body, spirit unity, and the benefit of balance. Teachings have brought much needed growth, progress and self enhanced advancement as an individual.
Shani Johnson, Los Angeles, California

“What a blessing this course has been for my wellbeing.”

I was able to use specific techniques, and the outcome has been brilliant. For the past two years, I’ve had intense digestive issues, and sometimes I could only eat crackers and plain yogurt. However, ALL that has changed now! I’m able to eat like a regular person WITHOUT any issues! What a blessing this course has been for my wellbeing.
Heather Tait, Alberta, Canada


Here’s What You’ll Receive

Seven 90-Minute Class Sessions With Tina Zion

Experience a unique opportunity to learn from award-winning author and medical-intuition teacher Tina Zion from the comfort of your own home. Each class includes a streaming video option and guides you to discover specific skills and abilities to greatly expand the healing impact you can have on yourself and others by enlisting the guidance of experts with astral projection, remote viewing, telepathy, and other advanced energy medicine techniques.

Seven Transcripts of Class Sessions

In addition to the high-quality videos and MP3 audios, you’ll also receive the entire class transcription after each session is completed. You can then review, print, and highlight the most important insights and practices you were given.

Exercises and Questions for Each Lesson

Between class sessions, you’ll have the option of completing related exercises, practicing new tools, and answering questions to accelerate your learning and integrate each lesson.

The Foundations of Medical Intuition Bonus Collection
  • “I Know I Am Going to Hell”: A Case Study
    PDF Excerpt From a Book Chapter by Tina Zion
  • Identify the Core Struggles Leading to Illness
    Audio Dialogue With Tina Zion and Wendy Halley
  • Turning Your Skills Into a Healing Practice
    Written Interview With Tina Zion
  • Deep Self-Love and True Empowerment
    Video and Accompanying PDF

An Unprecedented Opportunity to Join the Foundations of Medical Intuition Online Training


We feel honored that Tina Zion has chosen to partner with The Shift Network to offer this exclusive online training. This is a unique opportunity to learn from an award-winning author and internationally recognized teacher of medical intuition whose powerful insights and pioneering work are helping us heal and awaken ourselves and our world.

If you’re serious about learning the keys to being a compassionate, accurate, and ethical healer, then you owe it to yourself, your loved ones, and our world to take this one-of-a-kind training.

If you’re ready to take the next step in evolving yourself, click the register button below to reserve your space now.

1 Payment of

Your Satisfaction Is 100% Guaranteed!

Your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed! If you don’t absolutely LOVE Foundations of Medical Intuition  or don’t feel that it meets your needs please submit your refund request form 2 weeks from your date of purchase and we’ll happily issue qualifying customers a refund.


More Praise for Tina Zion...

“Tina Zion’s expertise as a healer, teacher, and writer aligns with personal empowerment the key to any long-lasting healing.”

Tina Zion’s expertise as a healer, teacher, and writer aligns with personal empowerment the key to any long-lasting healing. She offers guidance and practical applications of scientifically and energetically based medical intuitive skills that communicate the multidimensional aspects of healing opportunities for those in the medical field to maintain balance, increase their energy levels, and improve their self-care so they can truly model wellness for their patients. As a student of Tina’s, I can attest to her balanced, grounded, ethical, and thoughtful approach for maintaining connection with the spiritual worlds of healing.
Dr. Janet Roseman, associate professor of integrative medicine and author of If Joan of Arc Had Cancer: Finding Courage, Faith, and Healing from History’s Most Inspirational Woman Warrior

“[Tina] continues to provide a concise, easy-to-follow guide for learning the root causes of illness and dis-ease states and their healing.”

I have found Tina Zion to be an extraordinary teacher of medical intuition. I admire her uncanny ability to teach medical intuition in an accessible way. She continues to provide a concise, easy-to-follow guide for learning the root causes of illness and dis-ease states and their healing. She provides techniques and tools which anyone with a sincere interest can learn and use. Guiding by example, she encourages the reader to trust in their own intuition towards the healing of others. As a physician and psychiatrist, I welcome Tina Zion’s voice to our evolving knowledge of alternative medicine.
Dr. H. Pankowsky

“... an enhancement and evolution of our current healthcare.”

Tina emphasizes the need for confidentiality, compassion, and a nonjudgmental attitude. This is a form of energetic healing as opposed to the traditional physical or mental health techniques which are predominantly used to treat illness. It is therefore a relatively new area of healing which is gathering momentum as Tina has noticed with the increasing numbers of physicians, nurses, and physical therapists who attend her courses. This is something that can be effectively used in conjunction with traditional medicine, signifying an enhancement and evolution of our current healthcare.
Dr. Penny Sartori, author of The Wisdom of Near-Death Experiencesand co-author of The Transformative Power of Near-Death Experiences

“I can count on one hand the few times that I have found training so engaging that my mind never wandered.”

After over 30+ years in all sorts of training (clinical, university, professional, etc.), I can count on one hand the few times that I have found training so engaging that my mind never wandered. The breadth and depth of Tina’s abilities, combined with her humility, humor, and personification of passion for sharing her expertise, is unmatched in my experience. What’s additionally amazing is how her delivery resonates across attendees who are at different development points, and who each tap into intuition in a unique way.
Maryann Kelly, founder of Intuitive Services Insight

“I was inspired by Tina’s spiritual clarity, down-to-earth common sense, and practical applications.”

Tina Zion’s clear, concise, detailed approach combines inspiration, tools, and scientific explanations. She gives us blueprints, and follows with specific tools for healing and transformation for both the client and the practitioner. As a professional medium and teacher for over 48 years, I was inspired by Tina’s spiritual clarity, down-to-earth common sense, and practical applications. Every once in a while, a teacher comes along who has what it takes to change lives. This is one of those times.
Rev. Elaine D. Thomas, MS, director of Fellowships of the Spirit’s School of Spiritual Healing and Prophecy


About Tina Zion

Tina Zion, a fourth-generation medium, award-winning author, and educator, is globally recognized as a medical intuition expert. Tina teaches courses on medical intuition throughout the U.S. and internationally.

Tina has a national board specialty certification in mental health nursing from the American Nurses Credentialing Association, and has worked in the mental health field as a registered nurse. A Gestalt-trained mental health counselor, she received her certification in clinical hypnotherapy from the American Council of Hypnotist Examiners, specializing in past-life regressions.

Tina is also certified as a hypnotist utilizing Life Between Lives (LBL) modalities through the Michael Newton Institute. A Reiki master, she has taught this healing modality for over 10 years.

An award-winning author, Tina’s books include Become a Medical Intuitive… Advanced Medical Intuition… The Reiki Teacher’s Manual… Reiki and Your Intuition… and her newest book, Be Your Own Medical Intuitive. She is also a contributing author to Michael Newton’s book, Memories of the Afterlife.


Frequently Asked Questions


Q: What is your refund policy?
A: Your satisfaction with The Shift Network and this course is our highest priority! We offer a satisfaction guarantee for a full two weeks so that you can try out the course risk free. The deadline to receive a refund is two weeks from your date of purchase. To request a refund, please click here to submit your Refund Application Form. Your refund will be processed within five business days and we will send you an email confirmation when your refund has been completed. However, we’d love to have a chance to address and resolve your concerns first. If there’s something we can assist you with, please email us at support@theshiftnetwork.com, and we’ll be happy to help!


Q: How can I reach Customer Support?
A: Please visit our Customer Support Center, where you should be able to find the answer to your question or the solution to your problem. And if you can’t, you can submit an online request form and we’ll get right back to you.
