Discover How to Release Your Inner Barriers to Manifesting
And Activate Your Natural Ability to Consciously
Co-Create an Abundant Life and World

You have dreams for a better life and world. Making those dreams really happen, however, is easier said than done.

Lack of time, money and skills often seem to get in the way. But deep down, you probably know that these are really just excuses.

So what exactly is the real issue?


The deeper issue, if you’re like most people, is that you haven’t been properly trained in how to manifest your dreams into reality or learned how to permanently clear the subtle, and often hidden, obstacles that prevent you from consciously creating what you truly want in life.

Too often, then, you aren’t able to manifest effectively, which eventually leads to frustration, self doubt, and often a sense of failure.


You may feel discouraged or deflated by your inconsistent ability to manifest what you truly want or go for a bigger dream in your life.

You may have even turned away from a deeper calling whether it’s publishing a book, starting a new business, traveling around the world or really putting out your unique gift to the world.

Wouldn’t it be amazing if you could transform this sense of doubt and frustration about manifestation into an experience of authentic confidence and joy?

How incredible would it feel to be able to systematically transform your intentions into reality and consistently witness your heart’s desires manifest right before your eyes?


What if you could mentor with one of the world’s leading experts on manifestation to learn her hard-won tools, secrets and techniques gained from more than 30 years of in-depth research and practice to naturally and pleasurably create the life you truly want?

If you feel the inner call to design your life at the deepest level, then renowned spiritual teacher and chakra expert Anodea Judith will show you how.

In 7 modules, Anodea will teach you a simple, accessible and exciting process to clear the obstacles, activate your power centers and catapult you into the world of consciously co-creating with Spirit.

Using the ancient “technology” of the Chakra System, accessible through your own physical and energetic body, Anodea guides you through her transformational process to translate your innermost vision into physical reality through the descending current of the chakras.

Each module you’ll learn specific exercises and practices to strengthen each power center and keep you on track with your deeper life vision.

How “Creating on Purpose” is Different Than Other Approaches

While there are many manifestation-type courses, workshops and books available, most of them offer more simplistic formulas that focus on just one aspect of the process.

Because many of these manifestation systems are incomplete, they produce inconsistent results at best, which leads to more frustration and doubt about your natural ability to manifest with ease and grace.


What makes Anodea’s 7-step process unique is that she takes you through the entire sequence of manifestation from connecting with Source to rolling up your sleeves and doing the real-world action that is required to make your vision a reality.

She offers you an integrated, holistic approach that shows you how to harness the natural powers and capacities you already have within you.

She’ll show you her time-tested techniques for reconnecting you with your inherent spiritual energies to bring yourself back into a deeper alignment with your natural state of wholeness and wellbeing.

With the Creating Your Life on Purpose process, you’ll gain lifelong tools for working with your chakras and be able to release any blocks that may arise along the way.

In short, Anodea Judith’s 7-step process will set your life on fire, enabling you to manifest clear, consistent results for any project or vision you wish to create.

The Chakra Map: How Manifesting Your Dreams Really Works


Most people think of the Chakra System as an upwardly map for ascending to higher levels of transcendence, seeking the jewel of the crown chakra at the top.

Few people realize that in the ancient texts, the Chakra System also represents a process for bringing the subtle energy of consciousness downward into the many levels of manifestation that you experience as reality.

This descending current of consciousness takes you from pure Spirit back down to the material earth the same process that brings your intangible dreams into physical reality.

Whether your dream is personal or global, a business or a community, this course will help you clarify your ideas and keep you on track.

Once you learn how to use this ancient formula, you can then apply these steps to anything you want to create, alone or with others.

A Word of Caution About Creating Your Life on Purpose

The Creating Your Life on Purpose process is so effective and powerful that you should not take it for granted or use it lightly. If you aren’t ready for profound changes in your life, then please do not use this system.

Also, you should be aware that once you have learned this process, you will no longer have any excuse as to why you cannot have what you truly want in life.

It’s actually that powerful, so if you choose to learn it, use it wisely.

If you are, however, ready to take full responsibility and to consciously create your life in partnership with Spirit, then the Creating Your Life on Purpose training is perfect for you and will provide you with everything you need to help you consistently birth your heart’s desires into reality.

At this time on the planet we are being asked, not only to seek liberation and transcendence, but also to bring the divine down into us and out through our actions, to become conscious, intentional manifesters... to bring Heaven down to Earth.

How You Will Benefit From This Training

Join Anodea Judith, the world’s leading expert in transformation through the chakras, for this 7-module course and you’ll gain:

  • Clarity in how to identify, visualize and manifest your most important dreams
  • A deep understanding of the step-by-step manifestation process, so you can apply it to any project, dream or goal
  • Greater energy and vitality from aligning with your Divine source
  • The capacity to create your dreams quickly and easily
  • An ability to gracefully move through the inevitable obstacles and resistance that arises
  • Lifelong goal-setting skills where you know exactly how to break large projects down into manageable chunks
  • Deeper awareness of where you create barriers within yourself and how to dissolve them
  • Inspiration and support to manifest your soul’s true calling

What You’ll Learn in This Live Online Training

Module 1: Opening Your Higher Consciousness to Create Heaven on Earth


The Creating Your Life on Purpose process begins at the level of pure consciousness (Crown Chakra) where you connect with Source and begin to receive your inner guidance and inspiration.

In your first session with Anodea, you will discover:

  • The crown chakra of pure consciousness where everything begins with an idea or thought
  • The power of emptiness and how everything you create begins in the infinite
  • How to cultivate a receptive state and open to the grace and guidance that’s readily available to you
  • How to make your mind fertile to the conception of ideas
  • The process for clarifying your intentions and zeroing in on the ideas that hold the most meaning for you
  • A potent exercise to examine your limiting beliefs and the obstacles holding you back from manifesting what you really want

Module 2: Vitalizing Your Vision and Removing Obstacles in Your Path


You then bring the light of inspiration downward to your third eye (Brow Chakra) to crystallize it into a clear vision and focus your intention into this inspired idea.

In session two, you will discover:

  • The brow chakra of vision and how to use your intuition to clarify your life purpose
  • A clear process for identifying your big dreams in nine distinct areas of your life
  • How to activate your visionary capacity and “laser-light” a clear path to your future
  • How to recognize obstacles before they stop you and gracefully move through the pitfalls that occur

Module 3: Giving Voice to Your Vision and Eliminating Negative Self-Talk


Once the inspired idea is crystalized you then bring it down to your communication center (Throat Chakra) so that you can divine the right words and symbols to express your vision clearly and effectively.

In session three, you will discover:

  • The throat chakra of communication and expression and when and how to communicate your vision to others
  • How to dialogue about your vision and use that feedback (whether positive or negative) to maximize the creative process and refine your intentions
  • One of the most effective ways to enroll and inspire others into your vision
  • An easy and fun goal-setting process to keep you on track and achieving “wins” along the way
  • How to befriend and eliminate the negative voices within

Module 4: Diving into the Heart of Your Relationships to Fulfill Your Destiny


After you have found the best way to express your vision you enter the realm of relationship (Heart Chakra) to find the right partners and allies to help bring your inspired ideas into the world.

In session four, you will discover:

  • The Heart Chakra and how the key to fulfilling your dreams is having the right relationships in your life
  • A potent practice to cultivate the most important relationship in your life (Hint: look in the mirror!)
  • How to align your dreams to be in service to the greater good
  • How to create your very own Dream Team and build a supportive network for your visionary process
  • The power of co-creation and how to find the collaborative others to give flight to your dreams

Module 5: Plugging into Your Personal Power and Prioritizing Your Energy


Once you have established your network of supporting relationships, you begin to focus your will (Power Chakra) to consolidate your energy and bring laser-like focus to the specific goals and tasks necessary to translate your vision into reality.

In session five, you will discover:

  • The Power or Will Chakra and how to use this diamond-like energy in your body to stay focused and in action, so you can move beyond just dreaming and visioning
  • A highly practical process for breaking goals down into specific and measurable tasks
  • How to tap into the energy of action to prioritize tasks and accomplish them one at a time, every day
  • Specific and personal ways to "empower up" and make your energy and reserves bigger than your obstacles
  • How to re-balance your power by claiming your will and experiencing the role focused action plays in keeping your energy strong

Module 6: Activating Your Passion and Pleasure to Keep You on Purpose


After you have consolidated the power of your will, you then begin to cultivate your life-force energy (Sacral Chakra) and passion to generate momentum and attract the final resources you need to manifest your vision.

In session six, you will discover:

  • The sacral chakra and how to use your creative and sexual energy center to fully manifest your dreams
  • How to use the Law of Attraction, among other universal laws, to call in what you need in each moment
  • How to activate what brings you the most pleasure and use that energy to move forward everyday
  • The role of “feeling your way in the dark” and how your senses can help you make course-corrections along your path
  • How to make the manifestation process a truly fun and joyful experience for yourself and others

Module 7: Becoming a Masterful and Magnetic Manifester


Once you have cultivated sufficient momentum, you then trust your gut and follow your instincts (Root Chakra) to take the final steps in the “real” world to birth your intangible vision into physical reality.

In session seven, you will discover:

  • The Root Chakra and how you can tap into your instincts to manifest your vision
  • How to concretize your plan and actually commit to tasks and deadlines
  • The key to realistically addressing each step along the way
  • How to complete each step and not leave out any pesky details until you’re done
  • How to fully receive what you have created, celebrate your journey and enjoy your results

Plus, You’ll Receive These Bonus Gifts When You Register:

Bonus #1: Audio Training with Seane Corn, Internationally Celebrated Yoga Teacher "How to Practice Yoga to Balance Your Chakras and Manifest Abundant Health, Peace & Wellbeing"


In this empowering audio training session, world renowned yoga teacher, social activist and icon Seane Corn and internationally acclaimed Chakra expert Anodea Judith discuss how to refine your yoga practice to bring your body, mind and spirit into a deeper alignment so that you can create optimal health and wellbeing on all levels.

They will discuss the deeper meaning of Yoga and its practice, as well as explore how to consciously work with the subtle energy system known as the Chakras, to manifest powerful changes in all areas of your life, with a special focus on being of service to the world.

This conversation with two of the most brilliant western minds in yogic practice and philosophy is a rare opportunity and is sure to take your understanding of yoga, the chakras and manifestation into enlightening new dimensions.

Seane Corn is an internationally renowned Vinyasa Flow Yoga Teacher and spiritual activist. She is well known for her passionate and inspirational style of teaching and the work that she is involved in throughout the world using yoga for positive social change. Seane created the yoga program at "Children of the Night," a shelter that houses and educates adolescent prostitutes. Featured in commercials, magazines and named the “National Yoga Ambassador” for YouthAIDS in 2005, Seane now utilizes her national platform to bring awareness to the HIV/AIDS crisis.

Since 2007, she has been training leaders of activism through her co-founded organization Off the Mat, Into the World®. Seane has spent time in India, Cambodia and Africa working with prostitutes and street children, teaching yoga, providing support for child labor and educating people about HIV/AIDS prevention. Seane is also co-founder of the Seva Challenge Humanitarian Tours, encouraging yoga teachers to get involved in awareness and fundraising efforts across the globe. She has a library of self-authored DVDs and CDs available through Gaiam, Yoga Journal and Sounds True.

Bonus #2: Audio Training with Charles Eisenstein, author of Sacred Economics


Most of us feel we can’t really do what we love what really serves the greater good because we have to earn money doing something else.

The current economy creates scarcity through debt, bankrupting the environment and subjecting countless people to meaningless jobs that demean their lives and inhibit their ability to actualize their gifts. The result is impoverishment for all.

Without a new economic model, doing more of the same is only going to bring us more of the same: vast inequalities and an insatiable appetite for more that consumes every resource.

But there’s a way to bring the sacred back into economics and actualize the power of the gift. It’s a whole new way to look at things, with the possibility of greater abundance for all.

Charles Eisenstein is the author of The Ascent of Humanity and Sacred Economics. He speaks worldwide on themes of transition, money, consciousness and cultural evolution. Charles is a true visionary who brings profound insight and hopeful solutions to our financial predicament.

Bonus #3: Audio Training with Devaa Haley Mitchell, Inspiring Women Summit Founder, “Manifesting through Magnetism: The Feminine Path of Creation”


It happens every day in nature. You see colorful flowers radiating their beauty and fragrance into the world. The hummingbirds and bees are attracted and naturally come to pollinate the flowers. Now, these flowers clearly are not sending out email campaigns! No one has signed up for their e-newsletter. They rarely do public speaking. And yet they are attracting the attention, admiration and the collaborative relationships they want. What can you learn from nature and apply to your own life?

Beauty, joy and pleasure are magnetic. And when you tap into your wellspring of joy, you can use that energy to manifest with grace and ease feminine style. No more pushing to "make it happen." No more endless late nights of working, working, working to create your life’s work. Let go of the long “to-do” lists and try on a new possibility. Let women’s transformational guide Devaa Haley Mitchell show you how to:

  • Tap into your intuitive left brain to manifest with grace and ease in your own life whether you’re a man or a woman!
  • Generate a "rampage of appreciation" a critical key to this process
  • Use the feminine moon cycle as a tool for bringing your visions into 3D reality

Bonus #4: Your Chakras as a Template for Transformation (PDF eBook)

In this 20-page ebook Anodea Judith and The Shift Network’s own Edward Mills take you on an engaging and thought-provoking journey through the transformative power of the 7 Chakras.

In this intimate discussion, Anodea clearly demonstrates how the ancient blueprint of your subtle energy system can be used to create optimal health, wellness and abundance in all areas of your life.

What Students Say About Anodea Judith..

“Want to manifest your dreams and do the necessary work? Then take a course with Anodea. Be ready for amazing results!”
Judith B
"I have been studying the chakras for many years, but Anodea’s approach, way of explaining each chakra, meditations, exercises, handouts and sense of humor made this experience the best one I’ve ever had. If you want to manifest your dreams, don’t hesitate to take this course!"
Mariela, Houston, TX
“This course was no less than amazing. And so is Anodea Judith. She taught me that much more is possible in this lifetime more love, more money, more time, more fulfillment in work despite what your mind tells you. Invaluable course.”
Melissa W
“Wanted you to know that your course served as a huge launching pad for some really powerful changes in my life and I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your teachings and holding the space for all of us.”
David W.
“I have never felt like someone who could get things done. Thanks to Anodea I now have made some crucial distinctions and gained great insights in my resistance to ground myself, and on how to manifest my dreams and goals. I still have a way to go, but I know that I now have the best manifestation tools available. Pushing divine energy down, down, down!!! Thanks Anodea, you rock!!”
“This course helped me better align my physical and spiritual selves. I am better able to make clear choices for action according to my vision. I also feel clearer about steps I have been missing in the manifestation process. Excellent course! Thank you, Anodea and Shift Network!”
Course Participant
“For those avid seekers of self-awareness & personal healing, Anodea Judith’s chakra work is unsurpassed!”
“I have taken several workshops with Anodea over the years (Creation is Ecstasy, Journey through the Chakras, and multiple Chakra Yoga moduleends), and each of them were utterly transformational, both personally and professionally. Of all of the workshops I have attended over the years from a variety of healers, teachers and shamans, Anodea’s were by far the most impactful. I can’t wait to go again!!
Theresa Rose
“Anodea is one of the great, compassionate teachers! Her knowledge of the Chakras is unparalleled. I feel fortunate to have had the opportunity to take classes and courses with her and look forward to more in the future.”
Jeffrey S.
“Anodea’s workshop on the psychology of the chakras was unlike anything I could have ever imagined. She took us on a wild journey across the rainbow bridge of the chakras, down to the depths of our souls, and up to the furthest reaches of our consciousness. The workshop was both informative and enlightening.”
Katie T.
“If you have a dream, any dream, and especially if it is BIG, this work with Anodea Judith opens you to the technology of creative manifestation."
“If you wonder how to get your dreams into reality, I highly recommend taking the Creation is Ecstasy: manifestation workshop!”
Monica C.
“My intention with the Manifestation workshop was to be focused and courageous and to continue my journey with confidence. It surpassed my expectations, plus a larger manifestation evolved!”
Mirella D.

What You’ll Receive in the Live Online Training:

  • Seven 90-minute audio sessions led by Anodea Judith
    • Including downloadable mp3 files
  • PDF transcripts for all sessions
  • “Creating Your Life on Purpose” Supplementary Materials, which includes:
    • Weekly assignments to accelerate your learning and integrate the power of each Chakra
    • Guided practices to activate each Chakra, clear any blocks and further catalyze your creative manifestation abilities
  • Incredible Bonus Package that includes:
    • Audio Training Sessions with Charles Eisenstein and Seane Corn
    • Audio Training with Devaa Haley Mitchell
    • 20-Page eBook (PDF) "Your Chakras as a Template for Transformation"
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About Anodea Judith


Anodea Judith, Ph.D. is a groundbreaking thinker, world-renowned spiritual teacher and author of many books on the subject of human psychology, transformation and social change.

Her works include, Waking the Global Heart, Eastern Body-Western Mind, Wheels of Life, The Sevenfold Journey, Contact: The Yoga of Relationships, Chakra Balancing and the award-winning video, The Illuminated Chakras.

She spent 20 years as a psychologist in private practice applying these principles to personal development, but now travels the world presenting talks on our global challenges. She has been called “a prophet for our time.”


Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is your refund policy?
A: Your satisfaction with The Shift Network and this course is our highest priority! If you find that the course is not meeting your needs, please submit a request at so that we can address your concerns. We offer a satisfaction guarantee for a full 2 weeks so that you can try out the course risk-free. The deadline to receive a full refund is 2 weeks from your date and time of purchase; submit refund requests at with the subject line "Refund request."

Q: How can I reach Customer Support?
A: Please visit our Customer Support Center, where you should be able to find the answer to your question or the solution to a problem. And if you can’t, you can submit an online request form and we’ll get right back to you.

Q: What are the benefits of telling my friends to join the program?
A: You can sign up as an Affiliate of The Shift Network and receive 20% for anyone that you introduce who registers for the virtual event. If you bring five friends into the event, you can cover your own! Register at and you’ll receive a promotional link to use.
