With Qigong Master, Teacher & Healer
Mingtong Gu
A 7-module On-demand Video Training

Discover how to harness your life force energy through Qigong to boost your vitality, rejuvenate your spirit, strengthen your immune system... even slow aging.

Begin working with the vibrational patterns of sound healing to activate the self-healing powers of your organ systems.


Many of the world’s greatest healing practices were developed over thousands of years by ancient Qigong masters in China.

These Qigong masters of millennia past were the original scientists of the subtle body working with the circulation of chi (life force energy) through coordinated flowing movement and meditation for increased health, happiness, awareness, serenity, longevity, and more.

Their capacity to heal body and mind through focusing on life force energy is now legendary and eminently practical.

Some of the most important methods that evolved are based on working with sound vibrational patterns that dislodge and shift stagnant or blocked energy in the body. When we experience trauma or even everyday stressors, we often accumulate dense and blocked energy, which can persist for decades and eventually manifest as disease.

Specific sounds especially when combined with movement and intention can help shift these blocks, “charge up” areas with diminished chi, and activate your body’s self-healing capabilities. The result? Greater flow of energy throughout your body, which in turn increases immune system function and overall good health.

A few minutes a day of this type of focused practice can have dramatic effects on your happiness, wellbeing, stress levels, and even on longstanding health issues.

For instance, if you’ve been experiencing stress, insomnia, or a chronic illness like Lyme disease, Parkinson’s, or depression, concentrating your Qigong practice on your lungs and respiratory system can help release and open the flow of energy to renew vitality.

The healing sounds for the lungs also focus on emotional wellbeing, transforming emotions of sadness into compassion for self. As the lungs get healthier, all the organ systems can function better.

The gift of Qigong is that it helps us come back into our bodies to heal in mind, body, and heart every day over a lifetime.

The “Soundness” of Sound Healing


While sound healing through Qigong might initially seem “far out,” it’s actually one of the alternative healing modalities that’s getting the most attention and respect from Western medicine. That’s because it delivers results and fits fairly easily into traditional medical paradigms that embrace sound treatments.

And the Western medical establishment has taken notice. There’s now a growing body of scientific data supporting the wisdom of this ancient lineage and the quantifiable results it delivers.

In Qigong for Rejuvenating Your Immune System, you’ll have the opportunity to master essential daily practices from Wisdom Healing Qigong the specific lineage taught in this program that will help you take better energetic care of your body and establish a new baseline of health and a long and vibrant life.

Along with every class session, you’ll receive an extra 10-minute video that will demonstrate how to combine breath, movement, and focused intention with sound to create healing interventions that address specific areas of pain, disease, and dysfunction.

In Qigong practice, different sounds are associated with the five major organ systems (heart, kidney, digestive, liver, lung). As you discover which sounds address which organ systems, you can awaken the biological and energetic resiliency of your entire system an important foundation for healing and wholeness.

In Chinese medicine, imbalances in the organs and elements within the body are seen as the root of almost all disease, creating opportunities for illness through weakened immune function, low energy, and stagnant chi.

As you work with the subtle energies connected to different organs, you’ll become more adept at creating a healing, nourishing, and balanced flow throughout your body so that you can better prevent disease, boost vitality and even slow aging.

The Importance of an Authentic Teacher


During Qigong for Rejuvenating Your Immune System, you’ll have the special privilege of studying with Master Mingtong Gu, one of the world’s preeminent teachers of Qigong for more than 20 years.

Master Gu is renowned for his teachings and healings with people of all ages, including many living with trauma, illness, and aging challenges.

Through The Chi Center, the organization now based in Santa Fe, New Mexico, Master Gu has trained thousands of students and teachers to work with chi in ways that produce tangible, real-world results.

Over seven modules, you’ll take a journey with Master Gu into Wisdom Healing Qigong fundamental teachings, gentle movements, ancient healing sounds, and meditations.

You’ll benefit not only from his verbal teachings but also from exercise demonstrations on video that present the proper movements, sounds, and ways to direct the flow of energy.

You’ll discover how to circulate chi to weaker parts of your body and deepen your understanding of the energetic connections between your body, emotions, and spirit.

You’ll also work with the principle of “integrative oneness,” which allows you to truly experience your consciousness, heart, body, and mind as a united whole.

These principles of energetic healing can help you address and heal any underlying issues that can result in imbalance, disharmony, and disease.

Master Gu will illuminate the philosophical and practical components of working with chi and give you simple practices and positions that allow you to connect with the energy that supports and nourishes your heart, body, mind, and spirit.

Who Is This Course For?

Qigong for Rejuvenating Your Immune System is ideal for those who would like to move their lives into joy and health while releasing stress and exhaustion, low energy, worry, and blocked creativity and overwhelm.


In short, you’ll benefit from Master Gu’s teachings if you...

Are open to adding more energy, creativity, and vitality to your daily life Would like to release old habits and patterns that compromise health, joy, and a sense of community Have difficulty falling asleep or are chronically tired Are inspired to contribute to self and the world, but find your energy is low or unfocused Want to adopt a heart-centered approach to resolving challenges at work, at home, and in your relationships Do yoga or meditation and would like to experience the teachings of Qigong movement and meditation Are tired of feeling drained emotionally or physically and want to feel more resilient in body, mind, and heart Feel anxious about an injury or chronic or acute illness that would benefit from more energy for healing Want to begin doing a daily practice that cultivates joy, serenity, and hope Would like to discover how to transform stress and worry into healing emotions Want to improve your posture and flexibility of your back and body Feel depressed and worried, and would like to experience more happiness Would like to meet a community of like-minded people who are striving to better themselves and the world Are open to discovering how to rekindle and express compassion for all beings Would like to know how to boost your immune system and reduce stress Are a parent, caretaker, or helping professional such as an acupuncturist, nurse, or therapist and would welcome new tools for bringing more balance and resilience into your care for others

What You’ll Discover in These 7 Modules

During the 7-part program, Master Mingtong Gu will joyfully guide you through the role of chi energy and how to connect heart, mind, and body to cultivate abundant chi flow to enhance your health, happiness, and daily life. Master Gu has selected Wisdom Healing Qigong teachings focused on rejuvenating your immune system, and will guide you in the steps to explore this powerful Qigong lineage and create your own Qigong practice for fostering vibrant health and wellbeing.

This course will feature teachings, demonstrations, and/or guided movements, meditations, and visualizations with Master Gu. Each class session will build harmoniously upon the next, supporting you to incorporate the teachings into your personal practice.

Practice Component: The deep benefits of Qigong come from practicing the sounds, movements, and meditations yourself, so you can feel and experience their transformative effects. Each session, which includes a short video practice that’s recorded and available to you for home use, will help you to develop a practice of your own. You’ll also receive a full-length Immune System Qigong practice for when you have more time, or for when you’re focused on preventing illness or healing from a chronic condition.

Qigong for Rejuvenating Your Immune System is appropriate for all ages and abilities and does not require special clothing or exercise equipment. If you are unable to attend live, you’ll receive class recordings, transcripts, and supplemental materials so you can still experience the full benefits of the program.


Module 1: Inner Smile
Qigong and the Hidden & Untapped Strength of Our Immune System (March 13)


In spite of the many conveniences of modern living, people are experiencing deep stress and health challenges that are placing unrelenting workloads on their immune systems. While a weary mind-body may be the new normal for many, we’ll explore how Qigong offers an alternative by rejuvenating your immune system. You’ll begin your journey by exploring how to deeply turn your gaze inward to connect with the flow of energy or chi, and relax your immune and body systems to prevent premature aging and unnecessary illness.

In this session, you’ll:

  • Be guided through the “Looking Within Practice Inner Meditation and Movement,” which is focused on supporting the immune system; this video practice is recorded and available to you for home use
  • Experience the Inner Smile Meditation, which you can do on your own to start each day and to relieve stress
  • Explore the benefits of turning your attention within through Qigong practice to optimize the chi health of your immune system for more graceful aging and accelerated recovery from illness or injury
  • Begin a dedicated Qigong practice focused on the immune system that also supports other wellness regimens and treatments

Module 2: Relax
Learning to Relax in Mind, Body & Heart (March 20)


Your body functions much better when it has time to relax. We’ll explore how to deeply relax anytime, even when you feel busy, worried, or exhausted, so that your mind, body, and heart connect in harmony, as one. We’ll start a relaxing practice that includes healing sounds to open the heart, releasing the busy mind from past events and concerns.

We’ll demonstrate the Spinal Bone Marrow practice of the Awaken Vitality Method to align, relax, and strengthen the spine a resilient spine supports better communications between the organs, body, brain, and immune system. As we delve into the teachings that help you cultivate a deeper connection with the life force or chi field that flows within and around us, we can begin our journey to discover new vitality for health and wellness of mind, body, and heart.

In this session, you’ll:

  • Be guided through a “Relaxing Practice” that includes movement, sounds, and meditation to open the heart and connect mind-body; this video practice is recorded and available to you for home use
  • Understand the key roles that the chi field and your life force energy play in the health of your immune system
  • Discover how the teachings of the 3 A’s can help you start and maintain a joyful practice amidst a busy life at home, at work, and at medical appointments

Module 3: Release
Learning How to Transform Stress & Worry Before It Weakens the Immune System (March 27)


The health of your mind and body is affected by your emotions, and worry has a significant influence on the wellbeing of your immune system and body. Qigong offers a pathway to transform worry. Rather than succumb to the stagnation and trapped feeling that excess worry brings, we’ll learn the ancient Tapping Practice, together with healing sounds for the digestive system that will help you release stress and open up a new sense of possibility. We’ll also learn an Awaken Vitality Method teaching of Wisdom Healing Qigong to release tension and discomfort often felt in the hips and low back. We’ll explore how to recover deeper, more restful sleep.

In this session, you’ll:

  • Be guided through a “Releasing Practice” that includes movement, sounds, and meditation to balance the digestive system; this video practice is recorded and available to you for home use
  • Explore why we worry and discover tools to get grounded, so worry doesn’t slow down how we digest excess information, food, and stress
  • Discover how to recover deeper sleep, and the role that chi energy plays in the digestive system (stomach, pancreas, intestine, colon) in relationship with the immune system

Module 4: Opening
Increase Capacity to Breathe Deeply & Calm the Thyroid and Immune System (April 3)


Our modern life often has us sitting too much and living a sedentary lifestyle, which can impede the health and natural movement of the lungs, thyroid, and respiratory system. We’ll learn how to open up our lungs again, and why releasing tension in our chest and shoulders is so essential for a healthy thyroid and immune system. We’ll practice the healing sounds for the lungs, which help renew the natural state of the respiratory system and thyroid. For people experiencing sadness or depression, which is common with immune and health challenges or worries about the world, these practices can help transform those emotional patterns so they no longer wear on the body health.

In this session, you’ll:

  • Be guided through an “Opening Practice” that includes movement, sounds, and meditation to balance the lung and thyroid system; this video practice is recorded and available to you for home use
  • Explore the role of chi energy in the lungs and thyroid system the thyroid affects every cell function in the body, including the respiratory, cardiovascular, and reproductive systems, and an imbalance can lead to conditions such as exhaustion, depression, or heart arrhythmia
  • Help your mind-body learn how to release tension in the upper body, especially for people who sit for long periods and carry the stress of the day’s work in their shoulders, neck, and back

Module 5: Replenish
Awaken Courage to Change How You Care for Your Immune System (April 10)


Much like the young seedling reaches up through the winter’s ground to blossom into a flower, each one of us can find the courage to rise up and train our mind-body-heart to live more brightly. We are often told that certain health or body conditions cannot heal, but in Qigong we learn to tap into new possibilities. Master Gu will guide you to find the courage to change your health and provide the steps that can get you started.

In this session, you’ll:

  • Be guided through a “Replenishing Practice” that includes movement, sounds, and meditation to balance the liver system; this video practice is recorded and available to you for home use
  • Activate inner tools to recognize emotions that cause stress on your immune system, and cultivate the courage to transform them to uplevel the liver system (includes the lymphatic and immune system, liver, spleen, and gallbladder) toward optimal health

Module 6: Being in Motion
Invite Graceful Motion to Open & Balance the Immune System (April 17)


When illness or problems with aging occur, you can suddenly find yourself struggling to adjust and locate even ground on this new uneven path. Qigong helps you stay in motion with balance by connecting with every cell, limb, and organ of your body. We’ll explore the role of coming back into your mind and body through movement and attention. We’ll experience the Dragon Arms movement that opens the flow of energy and allows a new resilience and balance to emerge from fingertips to toes. This meditative practice can be done anytime you need to clear your mind and find new footing.

In this session, you’ll:

  • Be guided through a “Dragon Arms Practice” to open the flow of the entire body, mind, and heart; this video practice is recorded and available to you for home use
  • Discover how mindful movement can help the body, especially for people who sit for long periods of time and those who feel afraid

Module 7: Renew
Your Personal Steps to Reboot Your Immune System (May 1)


In Qigong we learn to connect with the flow of energy, focus on specific areas of mind, body, and heart, and then synthesize everything into one holistic path. Through this integration our mind, body, and heart can move as one, fully connected. We’ll explore how to gather all the threads of this course so that you come away with a meaningful lifetime practice that can help support a vibrant immune and thyroid system, and your overall wellbeing. We’ll practice the course teachings so that you gain more clarity about how to practice at home.

In this session, you’ll:

  • Be guided through a “Reboot Your Immune System Integrated Practice” a practice that integrates the movements, sounds, and meditations of the teachings in this class; this video practice is recorded and available to you for home use
  • Practice this integrated program, which is comprised of the single-focused teachings of each module
  • Develop next steps for deeper practice during class and in the closing Q&A session, where you’ll be able to ask Master Gu whatever questions you have

The Qigong for Rejuvenating Your Immune System Bonus Collection

In addition to Master Gu’s transformative 7-part virtual course, you’ll receive these powerful training materials. These bonuses complement the course and promise to take your understanding and practice to an even deeper level.


Sound Healing Technologies
Ebook With Audio Teachings From Master Mingtong Gu


This illustrated ebook and audio set provides a step-by-step guide focused on the Five Organ Integrative Sound Healing teachings taught by Qigong Master Mingtong Gu. The set includes an ebook with teachings, charts, visualization tools, and practice suggestions together with supplemental audio teachings. The set focuses on the healing sounds for the five organ systems of the heart and cardiovascular system, the kidney and reproductive system (including the adrenal glands and bone marrow system), the pancreas and digestive system, the liver and purification system (including the lymphatic and immune system), and the lung and respiratory system (including the thyroid and skin). This set focuses on renewing emotional health, and releasing and transforming blocked energy from illness and injury in the five organ systems.


Chi Field Setting Practice
Video Meditation From Master Mingtong Gu


This Chi Field Setting Practice video is a guided meditation from Master Mingtong Gu to help you relax, calm your mind and body, and awaken a connection with life chi. It’s beneficial to help you set the chi field for a deeper, more profound practice or whenever you wish to relax and rejuvenate. This meditation allows the Qigong practices that follow to then emerge from a place of wholeness and connection within ourselves and the spaciousness of the universe. Through this chant we are reminded that everything is connected, and there is no separation.


100 Day Gong Chart
PDF From Master Mingtong Gu


Practice is the key in Qigong! This Gong chart makes it simple to record every Wisdom Healing Qigong practice. Master Gu invites students to start practicing one day (or one Gong) at a time to allow the mind-body-heart-spirit to connect on new levels. What is a Gong? “Gong” means “practice of.” Every class session will include a video practice for your Gong that you can do at home and record on the chart. When you reach your first 50 Day Gong or 100 Day Gong, you can receive a bonus teaching from The Chi Center. (The chart has information for how to contact The Chi Center.)


Practice Guidelines
PDF From Master Mingtong Gu


Regular Qigong practice is the key to changing health, so Master Gu offers tips to help make practice easier to start and to maintain with this summary practice guide. We all have resistance to changing our routines, even when they aren’t serving us. Through a dedicated practice of movement, meditation, sound, and visualization in Wisdom Healing Qigong, we learn how to change these patterns in mind and body so it becomes easier and beneficial.


Reboot Your Immune System
Video Practice From Master Mingtong Gu


At the end of the course, each student will receive access to a full-length Wisdom Healing Qigong home practice video guided by Master Mingtong Gu: Reboot Your Immune System. This video is the culmination of the entire course of seven sessions, combining all the lessons into one full-length integrated practice session of Qigong movements, sounds, visualizations, and meditations. By following along with Master Gu as you practice, it’s easier for the mind and body to relax and deepen your meditation and movement for greater benefit. This practice video can be done over a lifetime, as the benefits of Qigong are heightened through continued and repetitive training.


What Graduates of Master Gu’s Courses Are Saying...

“My body is happy with me now”

I found this course to be such a joyful and deeply peaceful experience. My body is happy with me now. Master Mingtong Gu shares "Haola" and presence that reaches through cyberspace right into my heart. I was also delighted with the reminders, explanations, class materials, and support that The Shift Network provided. It was truly the best online experience I have ever had. Blessings and blissings...
Reverend Pomaika’i, Holualoa, Hawaii

“A path for me to explore a healthier and happier life!”

Mingtong makes me smile inside and out. He has “touched” me spiritually, energetically, and physically. Following his beautiful, gentle practices have become part of my daily morning habit and I love it! Thank you for sharing your journey and developing a path for me to explore a healthier and happier life!
Kathleen, Fish Creek, Wisconsin

“An important start to my day”

The sound healing exercises have become an important start to my day. I love the experience of contacting my organs and body in the morning this way. It’s almost like the safety checks a pilot makes prior to a flight. There is so much wisdom. I listen to replays and gain more and more understanding of information that is provided. Mingtong has a captivating way of teaching.
Yvonne Praschma, Newfield, New York

“I have always felt open, energized, and elevated after each class”

This was my second course with Mingtong Gu, and it was as always, amazing. Just being in the Qi and Mingtong Gu’s presence fills one with pure joy, and it doesn’t matter that the class is online, it feels as if it’s in person. I looked forward to every Tuesday evening and wouldn’t miss it for the world. I have always felt open, energized, and elevated after each class. I absolutely loved it. I hope more and more people study Qigong... I feel we need it more than ever.

“Helped create more presence and balance”

In these profoundly unsettling times, Mingtong’s teachings of Wisdom Healing Qigong moved deeply into my system on all levels, and helped create more presence and balance. His generous and clear discussions (interspersed with sweet humor) of the principles underlying the different aspects of the work enhance the experience of the practices and help strengthen my commitment to the inescapable necessity and beauty of PRACTICING what is learned. I am grateful to him for his work and to The Shift Network’s professional presentation of the program.
Michele Calistoga, California

“I’m absolutely pain FREE now!”

Before taking the course: for the period of 1.5 years I’ve been having shoulder pains so bad that I was ready to go for the surgery. I’m absolutely pain FREE now! I tried to do meditation several times before and never succeeded; in this course I finally learned how to do this and it helps me daily. I feel better; my outlook to existence improved so much more than I could imagine. I just went through a divorce when all my life fell into pieces, and I don’t know where I would be now if not for YOUR help. You really saved me in the most difficult situation; you helped me want to live again. Thank you!

“95% improvement in chronic conditions...”

As Mingtong says, “Just Do It!” Every day brings new mental or emotional and physical freedom that transforms old stuck patterns into a liberating, happy life. Physically I would say there has been 95% improvement in chronic conditions that I have lived with for many years, and emotionally I am feeling more at ease with life and its journey. I also realize this is just the first step in a lifelong commitment and I eagerly look forward to following this gentle and life-transforming age-old wisdom.
Manuel, Sydney, Australia

“A unique and powerful course”

The Shift Network course with Master Mingtong Gu is a unique and powerful course. The techniques are fully explained by Master Gu. You’re guided carefully through the exercises. There was time allowed for questions. Students could interact on Facebook and in breakout group phone conferences after each session. The Shift Network staff [members] are excellent facilitators of a positive experience. The course materials are all electronic and well designed. If a course interests you, I would say to give it a go.
Karen C., San Diego, California

“Generous support to help you maintain the practices”

The instructor Mingtong is truly amazing and a gift. The Shift Network staff gives the best and most generous support to help you maintain the practices.
Asha Kher, New Jersey

“It awakened me deeply...”

I loved everything about this course and wish it could go on and on forever. It awakened me deeply and was also gentle and organic. Thank you.
Xie Xie


Here’s What You’ll Receive


Seven 90-minute Recorded Class Sessions With Mingtong Gu

Experience a rare opportunity to learn from master teacher Mingtong Gu from the comfort of your own home. Each class session guides you to progress through Qigong teachings for rejuvenating your immune system as well as the practice movements and meditations.


Seven PDF Transcripts of Class Sessions

In addition to the high-quality videos and MP3 audios, you’ll also receive the entire class transcription in PDF format. You can then review, print, and highlight the most important insights and practices you were given.


Exercises and Questions for Each Lesson

After each lesson, you’ll then have the option to do related exercises, practice new tools, and answer questions in order to accelerate your learning.


50-day Gong Support

Designed to deeply support the discovery of opening energy for your own purposeful living and healing, you are welcomed and fully supported to begin a 50-day Gong which translates into “50 days of guided Qigong practice.” You can move at your own pace through building your practice, since you’ll receive recordings of all course sessions.


The Qigong for Rejuvenating Your Immune System Bonus Collection

  • Sound Healing Technologies
    Ebook With Audio Teachings From Master Mingtong Gu
  • Chi Field Setting Practice
    Video Meditation From Master Mingtong Gu
  • 100 Day Gong Chart
    PDF From Master Mingtong Gu
  • Practice Guidelines
    PDF From Master Mingtong Gu
  • Reboot Your Immune System
    Video Practice From Master Mingtong Gu

An Unprecedented Opportunity to Join the Qigong for Rejuvenating Your Immune System Virtual Training

We feel honored Master Mingtong Gu has chosen to partner with The Shift Network to offer this exclusive online training. This is a rare opportunity to learn from a master Qigong teacher whose powerful practices and wisdom are helping us heal and awaken ourselves and our world.

Through this powerful online format, you’ll not only save time and money on workshop costs (plus travel, accommodations, and meals which would cost thousands of dollars), you’ll be able to benefit from Master Gu’s empowering teachings and exercises from the comfort of your home and at your own pace!

If you’re serious about developing a fully integrated healing practice you can use everyday to feel deeply grounded and energized both physically and spiritually, then you owe it to yourself, your loved ones and our world to take this one-of-a-kind training.

If you’re ready to take the next step in evolving yourself, click the register button below to reserve your space now.


More Praise for Master Mingtong Gu...

“The practices he teaches can change your life”

Mingtong is full of vitality, wisdom, and skill. He is a real healer, and the practices he teaches can change your life.
Jack Kornfield, PhD, Co-founder of Spirit Rock Meditation Center and the author of several bestselling books

“Supports the empowerment and health of each person...”

Mingtong lives what he teaches, exudes vibrancy and love, supports the empowerment and health of each person, and shares his experience and knowledge as a wisdom master.
Bruce Fabric, MD, Board certified psychiatrist

“A level of transmission of mind-body practice that is unparalleled...”

Master Mingtong Gu has brought a level of transmission of mind-body practice that is unparalleled in my experience. Since making these teachings available to patients in my medical practice, they’ve become healthier and happier.
Brian Bouch, MD, Director of Hill Park Medical Center

“Amazing ability to heal emotional distress and physical illness...”

Master Mingtong Gu and Wisdom Healing Qigong are the partners I have been searching for during my 40 years as a western physician. My personal experience with this powerful mind-body practice has confirmed its amazing ability to heal emotional distress and physical illness, from life-threatening to life-altering.
Jerome Weiss, MD

“Experience his powerful healing energy”

[Mingtong] is definitely one of the rare true healers that are very hard to find. I strongly recommend for anyone to spend some time with him and experience his powerful healing energy.
Dan Vicario, MD, Founder of San Diego Cancer Center


About Master Mingtong Gu


Master Mingtong Gu joyfully and skillfully translates the ancient teachings of Wisdom Healing Qigong for modern times. He founded The Chi Center to benefit others through the practice of self-care, self-healing, and self-empowerment, and recently opened The Center for Wisdom Healing Qigong, a beautiful retreat center near Santa Fe, New Mexico.

Master Gu shares these powerful teachings through online courses, workshops, and retreats for individuals, wellness professionals, and for students seeking Qigong teacher certification. He’s the author of several publications, including Wisdom Healing Qigong, Sound Healing Technologies, and Awaken Vitality, and is a respected speaker on how to heal ourselves and our planet.

He received his Master training with Grandmaster Ming Pang, the founder of Wisdom Healing Qigong in China, and has also studied with a variety of Grandmasters. Master Gu was inspired to share these teachings after curing his own chronic health conditions through his dedicated Wisdom Healing Qigong practice, and witnessing thousands of “incurable” diseases being healed at the Zhineng Center, the largest Qigong medicineless hospital in China.

Master Gu grew up in a rural community in China, becoming the first person in his village to attend college. He then studied in the United States, receiving his master’s degrees in Math and in Fine Arts. Dedicated to teaching Wisdom Healing Qigong to international audiences, he received the Qigong Master of the Year Award at the 13th World Congress on Qigong and Traditional Chinese Medicine.


Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is your refund policy?
A: Your satisfaction with The Shift Network and this course is our highest priority! We offer a satisfaction guarantee for a full two weeks so that you can try out the course risk-free. The deadline to receive a refund is 2 weeks from your date of purchase. To request a refund, please click here to submit your Refund Application Form. Your refund will be processed within five business days and we will send you an email confirmation when your refund has been completed. However, we’d love to have a chance to address and resolve your concerns first. If there is something we can assist you with, please email us at, and we’ll be happy to help!

Q: How can I reach Customer Support?
A: Please visit our Customer Support Center, where you should be able to find the answer to your question or the solution to a problem. And if you can’t, you can submit an online request form and we’ll get right back to you.

