Gay and Katie Hendricks
Bestselling Authors, Relationship Experts, The Therapists' Therapist

Gay Hendricks and Kathlyn Hendricks have been pioneers in the fields of body intelligence and relationship transformation for more than forty years. They’ve mastered ways to translate powerful concepts and life skills into experiential processes where people can discover their own body intelligence and easily integrate life-changing skills. Katie and Gay have empowered hundreds of coaches around the world to add a body intelligence perspective to enhance fields from medicine to sports psychology, education and personal growth. Together and singly they have authored more than forty books, including such bestsellers as Conscious Loving, The Big Leap, Conscious Loving Ever After: How to Create Thriving Relationships at Midlife and Beyond and The Joy of Genius. They have appeared on more than 500 television and radio programs, including Oprah, 48 Hours and others.


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