Michael Sandler
Popular Podcast Host, Author & Inspirational Speaker

Michael Sandler is a mystical teacher and the host of the popular Inspire Nation Show, a transformational, self-help, spiritually focused YouTube channel and podcast that has transformed the lives of hundreds of thousands worldwide while producing over 2,000 shows and live events. He is a bestselling author, speaker, coach, and the co-creator of The Automatic Writing Experience (AWE).

Michael, a former pro athlete, recent Team USA triathlete, and near lifelong meditation practitioner, credits two near-death experiences (NDEs) for completely transforming his life. 

These NDEs led Michael to a much deeper understanding of the world, of spirit, and of our connection to something greater than ourselves. He calls this “getting the big picture,” which led him to write the bestseller AWE: The Automatic Writing Experience and co-create the School of Mystics, now teaching thousands of mystics around the globe.


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