With Internationally Renowned
Qigong, Meditation & Tai Chi Instructor
Lee Holden

A 7-Module On-Demand Video Training


Follow in the footsteps of the masters who’ve realized their full potential and reached the peak of human achievement as you use Qigong, breathwork, and meditation to unlock your own “superhuman” abilities.


As we go about our daily lives, there are people walking among us with extraordinary abilities, who seem to defy the limits of logic and possibility in the fields of healing, athletics, energy practices, spiritual cultivation, and more.

These “superhumans” have used profound self-awareness to liberate their minds and harness their inner power to transcend the concept of “self” and accomplish the (seemingly) impossible.

These masters, who once guarded empowering secrets that have been passed down through the ages, are now sharing their knowledge and practices that make their superhuman lives possible.

For the first time, you can learn to unlock your own superhuman abilities and become part of creating a new paradigm.

Through understanding the power of your mind and energy, you can harness your own superhuman abilities in the direction of a more fulfilling life, better health, and greater emotional balance.

Join us for a new video course with Lee Holden, an expert instructor in Qigong, Tai Chi, and meditation. He’s traveled the world filming the Searching for Superhumans docuseries, featuring extraordinary people who’ve mastered the practices for attaining superhuman capabilities.

Over the course of seven modules, he’ll share many of these practices with you, guiding you to apply them to your own life.

Lee will walk you through the Qigong, breathwork, and meditation practices you’ll need to optimize your own superhuman abilities.

You’ll tap into your mental acuity and unlock powerful energies to show you what we’re capable of both individually and collectively.

When you recognize your full, true potential, you can move through the world with focus, purpose, and passion, helping pave the way for a global shift in the emotional, spiritual, and physical wellbeing of humanity.


During this 7-part course with Lee, you’ll discover:

  • How healthy Qi is an indicator of healthy emotions and underscores that when your mind is clear, your intent is strong
  • What it means to be superhuman by unlocking your innate ability to harness energy
  • How to see real shifts in what you define as possible both for yourself and the world around you
  • Practices, tools, and meditations you can use every day to unlock your superhuman potential 
  • Ways to feel your own spiritual power in a deep state of peace, relaxation, and effortlessness (as Lee describes it, you may feel like the whole ocean is beneath you, or the entire universe is within you!)
  • How your mind and body can work together and access the forces of nature to enhance energy
  • Why mindfulness and breathwork work so well together and have an exponential impact on your health and wellbeing
  • Ways to transmute anxiety and stress to transform your life by making conscious changes to your breathing patterns
  • How to cultivate a flexible and nonresistant mind
  • How to make choices for your life by going into the field of infinite possibilities through the power of your mind 
  • Why the limits on what’s possible are designed by your mind and can be unlearned and relearned
  • How to create a superhuman immune system through the breath to become inherently more resilient
  • How reading frequencies work with inanimate objects to tap into the connectivity and energetic potential of the universe
  • How to transition, through the lens of compassion, from the love of power to the power of love in service of our collective human potential

What You’ll Discover in These 7 Modules

In this 7-part transformational intensive, Lee will guide you through the fundamental body-mind-spirit skills you’ll need to boost your energy flow, vitality, and extraordinary power.

This course will feature teachings, training sessions, Q&As, and experiential practices with Lee. Each session will build harmoniously upon the previous ones, so you’ll develop a holistic understanding of Qigong, breathwork, and meditation practices to unlock your superhuman abilities.

Module 1: Unlocking the Human Potential Energy, Qi, Prana & Power (March 17)


Which parts of you are most powerful and how can you unlock your own potential?

What can you learn from the world’s greatest healers, mystics, and shamans?

In this opening session, Lee will share how harnessing your life force is a fundamental skill on the path to becoming superhuman an innate state everyone is capable of stepping into.

When you unlock your energy, you tap into a wellspring within yourself, where you can start to shift the limitations you perceive in the world both in the physical and energetic realms.

In this session, you’ll discover:

  • How healthy Qi is an indicator of healthy emotions and underscores that when your mind is clear, your intent is strong
  • What it means to be superhuman by unlocking your innate ability to harness energy
  • How to see real shifts in what you define as possible  both for yourself and the world around you
  • A powerful practice to stimulate the charged cells that already exist in your body
  • A never-before-shared Qigong practice that combines breath, movement, and mindfulness so you can experience your own Qi building

Module 2: Deepening Your Energy, Qi, Prana & Power Practice (March 24)


This second class is focused on deepening your experience of energy as a gateway to human potential, as well as integrating and reviewing the learnings from the first module.

Lee will explain how energy is not subtle, and as you practice using it, this truth starts to become very obvious and tangible. In the same way you know your hand is real, you’ll start to understand your energy is real.

The personal alchemy you’ll explore more deeply in this module lies at the intersection of breath, energy, and mind powerful tools you can use to step in the direction of your innermost truth and fire… and discover who you really are.

As Lee says, if your mind is one horse and your body is another, you may as well get them to work together and on track in the direction that serves you most.

In this module, you’ll discover:

  • How the forces of nature, including the earth and lunar cycles, influence your deep sense of being
  • Ways to discover what Lee calls “the right receiver” so you can tap into the energies all around you and manifest the impossible in your life
  • How to deepen your Qi practice to harness your potential through moving Qi and focusing your mind
  • How your mind and body can work together and access the forces of nature to enhance energy
  • Why energy is not a subtle practice and how awareness of energy can start to transform your life

Module 3: Unlocking the Human Potential Through Breath (March 31)


As Lee travelled around the world filming the Searching for Superhumans docuseries, he discovered that, in almost every pocket of the planet, breathwork is a key spiritual practice for unlocking human potential.

In this module, you’ll discover how you can create a superhuman immune system through the breath and how this makes you inherently more resilient.

You’ll be better able to avoid getting sick, and if you do become ill, you’ll be better equipped to heal more quickly.

When you work with the breath, you’ll learn to have more confidence in your own body’s resiliency. You’ll see how you’re a walking self-defense system.

In this session, you’ll discover:

  • The powerful truth that, as Lee puts it, you’re your own Kung Fu master who provides protection
  • A breathwork practice that enhances mindfulness and spiritual practice
  • How harnessing breath can provide you with superhuman immunity
  • Why mindfulness and breathwork work so well together   and have an exponential impact on your health and wellbeing
  • A daily breathwork practice to activate your Qi and boost your immunity

Module 4: Connecting Breath With Emotions (April 7)


The last session was all about breathing for immunity activating that internal fire that allows your resilient and focused mind to flourish in the world.

In this session, Lee will guide you deeper into a superhuman understanding of breath as a reflection of your emotional landscape that you can also use to navigate your emotional landscape.

Lee will share how to become an efficient breather cultivating more energy with each breath and enhancing flexibility in your diaphragm.

He’ll also explain how breath is a reflection of the mind, and how emotions are expressed in the subtleties of how you breathe.

And, most importantly, Lee will share how to use breathing patterns and emotions to navigate, transmute, and change your life.

In this session, you’ll discover:

  • A holistic breath experience and actionable tools to help you tap into more of your superhuman potential each day
  • How you can learn about your emotional states from your existing breathing patterns
  • Ways to transmute anxiety and stress to transform your life by making conscious changes to your breathing patterns
  • Why daily conscious and connected breathing is a fundamental skill that activates your superhuman potential

Module 5: Unlocking the Potential of the Human Mind (April 14)


While your first four modules in this course will be about techniques and practices to transform your life by cultivating awareness of your life-force energy and your breath… 

… the final two immersive sessions (before an integration-focused seventh module) are all about the power of your mind.

You’ll explore potent examples of mind over matter, demonstrated by some of the superhumans in the docuseries. For example, you’ll examine the ability of some superhumans to move heavy physical objects through focused intent.

This class with Lee centers on cultivating mental flexibility, so you can come into wherever you are at a given moment and sustain that present moment awareness, even as things in your external environment shift.

In this session, you’ll explore:

  • How to cultivate a flexible and nonresistant mind
  • Internal tools to make “mind over matter” real 
  • The role that quieting your mind plays in your superhuman life
  • How the mind and energy work together to cultivate your highest potential
  • A practice to cultivate an inner knowing that energy is the mind and the mind is energy
  • How to tap into present-state awareness through meditation, which leads you to stretch your mind by shifting focus to various parts of your body

Module 6: Cultivating a Superhuman Mind Out in the World (April 21)


This last module of new content before the closing integration class goes deeper into mind power.

It also features archeologist and mystic David Verdesi, guide to the Searching for Superhumans docuseries, who has spent his life searching for people who have superhuman abilities… and travelling to remote parts of the world to meet such masters.

As you’ll explore, the docuseries features humans doing things that would otherwise be considered impossible because they’ve cultivated the ability to unshackle their minds from the limited constraints of what’s “possible” and tap into new possibilities.

You’ve already examined the mind’s focus on the internal body now with that newfound awareness, you’ll move into channeling the intention of your mind to make changes in your external reality.

In this session, you’ll learn:

  • The ways visualization and meditation provide guidance and autonomy and help you welcome in what you want out of life 
  • How to make choices for your life by going into the field of infinite possibilities through the power of your mind 
  • Ways to tap into the part of yourself that’s connected to all things even feeling the frequencies of inanimate objects in the material world
  • Why the limits on what’s possible are designed by your mind and can be unlearned and relearned
  • Powerful visualization and meditation tools to start the transformation of mind power
  • How reading frequencies work with inanimate objects to tap into the connectivity and energetic potential of the universe

Module 7: Human Potential Integration Through the Power of Spirit (April 28)


In this final integration module, Lee will share practices and instruction on how to work with your energy, breath, and mind through the lens of how consciousness operates.

You’ll learn how consciousness and spirit are very similar. As these new practices are integrated, you’ll start to no longer feel like a disjointed individual going through tasks on a planet instead, you’ll recognize yourself as part of a spiritual whole.

As Lee will explain, you’re much more unbounded than what you actually think, believe, and are taught. Like music coming out of a radio set, you’re not localized…

In other words, if someone took your brain apart, they wouldn’t find you!

Lee designed this last lesson to go the deepest and leave you with a sense of limitlessness in other words, what the experience of becoming a superhuman is all about.

In this module, you’ll explore:

  • How to tap into what human potential really is, and the role of compassion in cultivating love for yourself and others
  • Ways to feel your own spiritual power in a deep state of peace, relaxation, and effortlessness as Lee describes it, you may feel like the whole ocean is underneath you, or the entire Universe is within you
  • How accessing your superhuman abilities = tapping into consciousness and the universal state where boundlessness lies
  • How to transition, through the lens of compassion, from the love of power to the power of love in service of our collective human potential 
  • A Tibetan Buddhist meditation practice that’s being passed down from the masters

The Superhuman Potential Bonus Collection

In addition to Lee’s transformative 7-part virtual course, you’ll receive these powerful training sessions with leading visionaries and teachers to complement the course and take your understanding and practice to an even deeper level.


A Conversation With Robert Peng
Previously Unreleased Video Dialogue With Lee Holden & Robert Peng

Lee’s conversation with Robert Peng is filled with analogies and storytelling to help you tap into the eternal wisdom you need to make guided decisions in your life. Robert is a world-renowned Qigong Master, healer, and author of The Master Key: Qigong Secrets for Vitality, Love, and Wisdom. At age eight, he began an intensive apprenticeship under the close guidance of the legendary monk Xiao Yao, an enlightened master known for his profound healing ability and martial arts skills.


The Inner Potential of Energy
Episode 1 From the Searching for Superhumans Docuseries

Explore life-force energy also known as Qi or kundalini and find out about some of the most incredible living superhumans around the globe. The journey begins with Lee introducing spiritual anthropologist David Verdesi, who has mapped this superhuman journey for us all. Join the journey to meet spiritual masters who defy what’s possible including “Leaf Man,” who can harness his kundalini so powerfully that he’s literally electric to the touch.


Design Your Mind
Video Mini-Workshop From Lee Holden

Lee’s mini-workshop series explores how the mind works and how you can be empowered to create your inner world. “We have power within ourselves, and we’re less powerful outside of ourselves,” says Lee. “When you’re designing your mind, you’re designing the life you want to live.” Explore introductory skills and some of the most fundamental stepping stones to cultivating your own superhuman abilities while clearing and calming your mind.


What Graduates of Lee’s Courses Are Saying…

“Thanks to this course, I cannot live without Qigong now…”

I was very skeptical about Qigong at the beginning, but I wanted to know more, as I had no idea about it. Thanks to this course, I cannot live without Qigong now, and I would like to become a Qigong teacher. With just a few minutes per day, I feel stronger and my immune system has really improved.
Leo, Vienna, Austria

“The Qigong practices I learned have helped me improve my sense of wellness and peaceful clarity.”

I appreciated Lee’s calm, clear, logical presentations. The Qigong practices I learned have helped me improve my sense of wellness and peaceful clarity. The Shift Network was supportive and helpful, making the course material readily accessible. Thank you!
Deborah Bramm, Bowen Island, Canada

“This course has literally changed my life.”

I have learned so much from Lee. Both his depth of knowledge in the realm of Chinese medicine and his ability to explain it in comprehensible terms are outstanding. And his enthusiasm is boundless. This course has literally changed my life.
Tracey Graham, PhD, Emporia, Kansas

“Lee’s experience is expressed in his confidence and ease of execution.”

Lee Holden is a very straightforward teacher who gave me a very clear idea of what he wanted to teach during each class before the actual practice. His experience is expressed in his confidence and ease of execution. I would take another class from him in a heartbeat! (I love his occasional references to his children it’s nice to know he’s also a family man… just a regular guy, in spite of some of his amazing adventures.
Linda Starr, Surprise, Arizona

“This course... increased my energy and joy for connecting with the universal energy field.”

Lee Holden’s programs offer multiple benefits. He explains extremely clearly, and offers several dimensions of Qigong: breathing examples, meditation, movement, and massage with acupressure. His movements benefit the entire body/mind/spirit and are fun to do. With his examples, you can create a brief program of seven, 10, 20, 30, or 60 minutes that you can weave into your day. This course encouraged me to create a daily routine that diminished stress as it increased my energy and joy for connecting with the universal energy field. It was an enriching course!
Sharon/Shanaya Kuusisto, Bay Area, California

“My physical, energetic, and spiritual beings have all gained tremendous knowledge.“

I can’t praise this course highly enough. The content, format, instructor, support, technology everything exceeded my expectations. I’ve taken courses on other online platforms and this one ranks at the top. Absolutely wonderful. I had tears as Lee was saying goodbye tonight. My physical, energetic, and spiritual beings have all gained tremendous knowledge. I’ve already signed up for another course with Lee. I look forward to becoming one of his lifelong students. Thank you for offering this course, especially during this time of social distancing. You have truly made a difference in my life.
Lisa Mast, Santa Rosa, California

“Lee’s course and Lee himself have booster-rocketed my practice to a whole new level.“

Lee’s course and Lee himself have booster-rocketed my practice to a whole new level. I have learned so much from him, thanks to the clarity and depths of his teaching, his deep commitment and intelligence, his positive spirit, and his excellent movement sets. Bravo!
Sally, New York

“... the sense of panic and distress I had about what is happening in this country and the world has dissolved.”

My anxiety about the virus situation is gone. I have practiced with Lee’s videos almost daily and noticed in the last few weeks that the sense of panic and distress I had about what is happening in this country and the world has dissolved. Of all the courses I have taken with The Shift Network, this one has been the best. Lee Holden is a true educator and healer.
Donna R, Boynton Beach, Florida

“... the movements and flows I learned really make a difference in how my body feels and in my sense of wellbeing.”

Lee Holden is a wonderful instructor for Qigong; he was thorough in his explanations of the principles of Qigong, and the movements and flows I learned really make a difference in how my body feels and in my sense of wellbeing. The course was well put together and well paced. I am very grateful to Lee and The Shift Network. I highly recommend this course.
Carla, Rancho Cordova, California

“... just by doing the practices I feel so much better...”

It definitely works! I had struggled with shoulder pain for years due to a rotator cuff injury, and just by doing the practices I feel so much better, with greater range of movement and less pain. You can really feel the energy boost in general.
Alejandro, San José, Costa Rica


Here’s What You’ll Receive

Seven 90-Minute Recorded Class Sessions With Lee Holden

Experience a unique opportunity to learn from Lee Holden, internationally renowned instructor in Qigong, meditation, and Tai Chi, from the comfort of your own home. Each class session includes a video teaching and guides you to discover specific skills and abilities to boost your energy flow, vitality, and extraordinary power.

Seven PDF Transcripts of Class Sessions

In addition to the high-quality videos and MP3 audios, you’ll also receive the entire class transcription. You can then review, print, and highlight the most important insights and practices you were given.

Exercises and Questions for Each Lesson

Between class sessions, you’ll have the option of completing related exercises, practicing new tools, and answering questions to accelerate your learning and integrate each lesson.

The Superhuman Potential Bonus Collection
  • A Conversation With Robert Peng
    Previously Unreleased Video Dialogue With Lee Holden and Robert Peng
  • The Inner Potential of Energy
    Episode 1 From the Searching for Superhumans Docuseries
  • Design Your Mind 
    Video Mini-Workshop From Lee Holden

An Unprecedented Opportunity to Join the Activate Your Superhuman Potential Online Training


We feel honored that Lee Holden has chosen to partner with The Shift Network to offer this exclusive online training. This is a unique opportunity to learn from an internationally renowned instructor in Qigong, meditation, and Tai Chi whose powerful insights and pioneering work are helping us heal and awaken ourselves and our world.

If you’re serious about boosting your energy flow, vitality, and extraordinary power, then you owe it to yourself, your loved ones, and our world to take this one-of-a-kind training.

If you’re ready to take the next step in evolving yourself, click the register button below to reserve your space now.

1 Payment of

Your Satisfaction Is 100% Guaranteed!

Your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed! If you don’t absolutely LOVE Activate Your ‘Superhuman’ Potential or don’t feel that it meets your needs please submit your refund request form within 2 weeks of purchase and we’ll happily issue you a refund.


More Praise for Lee Holden…

“I’m happy to work with him every chance I get.”

Lee does great work. I’m happy to work with him every chance I get. I recommend him highly.
Mantak Chia, Taoist Master, author, and teacher

“Thanks for the health, Lee.”

Thanks for the health, Lee. In my profession, I can use all the energy and pain-reducing methods possible. These work great.
Wayne Primo, professional hockey player, San Jose Sharks

“… helped me meld my physical and spiritual selves.”

My benefits include increased strength and definition of the muscles in my legs, torso, and arms. I am calmer in mind, observing my breath during activity, keeping it deep, slow, and rhythmic. My surfing is enhanced because my feet are better rooted to the board, my balance is more stable, and I flow effortlessly with the power of the wave. Practicing Qigong daily has helped me meld my physical and spiritual selves.
Warren Patch, chiropractor and surfer

“I can’t recommend Lee more highly.”

This traditional physician was blown away by the success of something I can’t quite understand. I am very pleased! My body feels great. I can’t recommend Lee more highly.
Irv Olander, MD

“I am less anxious and much better equipped to handle a very stressful day.”

I am actually feeling the benefits of [Lee’s] exercises in a very short time and my posture is straighter and I feel more aligned. The combination of Qigong with various yoga poses is very effective and it has significantly released the tension and tightness in my back. His explanations during the exercises really increase my understanding and insight into the benefits of the movements and help keep me on track and focused on the practice… The benefits last throughout the day. I am calmer, more focused, and have increased concentration. I am less anxious and much better equipped to handle a very stressful day.
Roseanne Schnoll, PhD, RD, CDN, associate professor, Department of Health and Nutrition Sciences, Brooklyn College of CUNY


About Lee Holden

Lee Holden first discovered the healing power of Qigong and Tai Chi after experiencing injuries that nearly sidelined his varsity soccer career at the University of California, Berkeley. Impressed by how these ancient practices healed his body and allowed him to return to playing, he made their study a priority. Today, he is an internationally known instructor in meditation, Tai Chi, and Qigong, as well as a licensed acupuncturist, herbalist, and author (7 Minutes of Magic, Penguin 2007). His popular library of Qigong DVDs has made him a regular fixture on American Public Television and over 105 PBS stations throughout the U.S. and Canada. Lee’s unique Qigong programs have been seen in over 50 million households.

Lee’s expertise and down-to-earth teaching style have made him a popular speaker and workshop facilitator. He’s worked with world-famous healer Deepak Chopra as well as Mantak Chia, a widely revered Qigong expert. He is also a stress management consultant to top Silicon Valley corporations like Apple, 3Com, and Cisco, and has been the on-set wellness consultant for several Hollywood film productions.

Lee is a graduate of UC Berkeley, with a BA in Psychology. A Doctor of Chinese Medicine, he is a graduate of Five Branches Institute in Santa Cruz, California, a leading acupuncture college in the U.S.


Frequently Asked Questions


Q: What is your refund policy?
A: Your satisfaction with The Shift Network and this course is our highest priority! We offer a satisfaction guarantee for a full two weeks so that you can try out the course risk free. The deadline to receive a refund is 2 weeks from your date of purchase. To request a refund, please click here to submit your Refund Application Form. Your refund will be processed within five business days and we will send you an email confirmation when your refund has been completed. However, we’d love to have a chance to address and resolve your concerns first. If there’s something we can assist you with, please email us at support@theshiftnetwork.com, and we’ll be happy to help!


Q: How can I reach Customer Support?
A: Please visit our Customer Support Center, where you should be able to find the answer to your question or the solution to your problem. And if you can’t, you can submit an online request form and we’ll get right back to you.
