With Spiritual Emergence Pioneer, Teacher & Author
Paul Levy

A 7-Module On-Demand Video Training

Unveil the illusion of wetiko a psychic mind-virus within us all and receive tools to transmute its influence on you, your relationships, and our world… as you unlock your immeasurable creative power to craft your own joyful experience of being alive.

Do you sometimes feel like our world is hurtling off its axis?

Are you struggling to find meaning in the ever-unfolding dramatic circumstances of our everyday collective experience?

And, would you be relieved to know that there’s an explanation for all the upheaval… a universal reason that, though it may sound alarming, is also our ticket to transforming out of perpetual crisis?

Although the magnitude of the issues we’re facing can feel demoralizing and overwhelming, spiritual emergence pioneer, teacher, and author Paul Levy believes that the “poison” encoded within our problems is the very medicine we need to catalyze our individual and collective evolution.

Portrayed in many ancient traditions, Native Americans called this catalyst wetiko. It’s a psychospiritual disease of the soul a mind-virus or mental blindness that works through the blind spots of the unconscious.

Paul, who is the founder of the Awaken in the Dream community in Portland, Oregon, points out that wetiko is at the root of what informs and underlies our personal and collective dysfunction on every scale.

It feeds our shadow sides… the parts of ourselves we can’t or don’t want to see. It causes us to form a dualistic perspective an us-versus-them mentality and suffer the painful consequences of accepting this perceived sense of separateness.

And, it’s believed to exist within all of us. But, even as it can prevent our full evolutionary potential, it also has the power to wake us up to the dreamlike nature of reality and help us remember who we truly are.

Join Paul on a profoundly eye-opening and healing 7-module journey to explore the power of wetiko, recognize where it may reside within you, awaken from the illusion behind its manifestations, and allow your luminosity to reveal itself.

This course is designed to help you cultivate the capacity to intuit, identify, and sense wetiko within yourself and others, and understand how it plays out in larger patterns that affect the collective including far-reaching world events.

Paul’s approach to personal and collective transformation and awakening is a radical synthesis of quantum physics, alchemy, shamanism, Buddhism, Kabbalah, mystical Christianity, and the works of Swiss psychoanalyst Carl Jung.

In this course, he’ll guide you to liberate yourself from the spell of this mind-virus and empower yourself with your own creative agency to discover your calling and contribution to the evolution of humanity.

He’ll initiate you into a profound new wisdom tradition that’s developing around the idea of wetiko, enabling you to perceive and overcome it, within yourself and in the world around you.

Through concepts and experiential tools (guided experiential meditations and visualizations), Paul will provide you with tactics for coping with, dissolving, and dispelling wetiko from your mind and within your relationships and communities.

What Awaits You on the Other Side of Wetiko?

When was the last time you felt optimistic about the state of the world? As a society, we’re in dire need of hope and reasons to be excited.

If we can illuminate the darkness that’s been obscuring our vision… if we can rouse ourselves out of our wetiko-inspired collective nightmare, we’ll open to our creative power and begin to cultivate solutions not only for our own lives, but for the myriad of crises in today’s world.

As Paul’s course progresses, you’ll recognize that, within the shadows of our times, there’s also an incredible awakening. You’ll see how the unconscious actually initiates adversity to put us on the edge of something wildly new and beautiful a rebirth for each of us in which we can connect with our true calling.

By the end of this program, you’ll have the wisdom and practices you need to continually transmute wetiko into medicine, so you can create your own, true reality, and more deeply connect with your authentic self.

You’re bound to emerge inspired, knowing that you can participate in your own healing, and that of the collective… aligning with others and creatively changing the collective dream within which we’ve all been living.

In this experiential program of awakening and healing, you’ll:

  • Deeply explore wetiko and the empowering benefits of learning how to alchemize it and wake up to the dreamlike nature of reality
  • Learn how to perceive the collective madness that’s playing out in today’s world through this new inspiring and empowering lens
  • Understand wetiko as a quantum dreaming phenomenon that contains within itself both the deepest source of evil and the highest, most sublime gift and blessing
  • Participate in guided visualizations and meditations that offer direct embodied experience of the wisdom Paul shares
  • Realize that your own personal process is a reflection of the deeper, archetypal process that’s happening collectively all around you
  • See how wetiko propagates itself over multiple generations through unhealed abuse and ancestral trauma… and learn how to heal these patterns
  • Understand how the darker, shadowy forces that are manifesting in our lives both internally and externally are offering you an opportunity to deeply connect with the light of your true nature changing the way you relate to yourself and the world around you
  • Receive tools to manage wetiko when it’s influencing your relationships to transmute destructive relational dynamics into deeper connection and intimacy
  • Learn the remedies for wetiko and how they can strengthen your innate nature as a creator, cultivate compassion and profound connection with others, and illuminate the path toward collective healing
  • Be exposed to creative expressions of wetiko throughout history and how it’s been revealed across many wisdom traditions
  • Understand how the essence of the divine arts of shamanism and alchemy can help us see and liberate ourselves from the negative aspects of wetiko
  • Find your own creative expressions for this virus of the mind, to neutralize and disempower its influence in your life
  • Strengthen your connection with your unconscious and enter an ever-deepening intimate relationship with the inner guide who’s always been with you
  • And much more...

What You’ll Discover in These 7 Modules

In this 7-part transformational intensive, Paul will guide you through the fundamental skills and competencies you’ll need to unveil the illusion of wetiko and receive tools to transmute its influence on you, your relationships, and our world… as you unlock your immeasurable creative power to craft your own experience of being alive.

This course will feature step-by-step teachings and experiential practices with Paul. Each session will build harmoniously upon the previous ones, so you’ll develop a complete holistic understanding of the practices, tools, and principles you’ll need to dismantle wetiko from your mind and unlock your immeasurable creative power to craft your own experience of being alive.

Module 1: What Is Wetiko?

Wetiko is an idea whose time has come. In this first session, Paul will introduce you to what this mind-virus is.

As Carl Jung pointed out, when it’s a question of mass psychosis, nothing but “new symbolic ideas” which embrace, express, and help us see and re-contextualize chaos, madness, and disorder in a new way can save us from our self-created collective nightmare.

Jung believed that our most important task in modern times is to free ourselves from outworn ideas that not only no longer serve us, but obscure our evolutionary potential and make us sick.

In light of our current world crisis, a creative breakthrough, a new way of looking at things “a saving idea” that illuminates new insights into the nature of our universe and our place in it ‐ is necessary for our survival.

Wetiko, and all that it stands for, IS that idea. Though it’s the source of all of the madness and evil that humanity is acting out in the world… hidden and encoded within it is also its own cure. And, it’s a revelation that can potentially wake us up to the dreamlike nature of reality, and help us access our creative power.

In this module, you’ll:

  • Begin to understand the profound scope and implications of a mind-virus
  • Start to see the collective madness that’s playing out in today’s world through a new inspiring and empowering lens
  • Recognize that, when traced back to its source, the madness and evil we’re facing resides within us all
  • Wake up to the dreamlike nature of reality and the role we’re each playing in it

Module 2: Freeing Yourself From Wetiko With Shamanism & Alchemy

The collective trauma we’re currently experiencing has activated the shamanic alchemical archetype within us.

In this module, you’ll explore how understanding the essence of the divine arts of shamanism and alchemy can help us see and liberate ourselves from the negative aspects of wetiko.

Both of these primordial wisdom traditions show us how to transmute the darker shadow aspects of our being into medicine, and connect to the hidden light within us. We’re all individually and collectively going through an archetypal shamanic death/rebirth, in which we’re descending into the darkness of the unconscious. We’re fated to come to terms with this darkness… the raw material from which we discover what’s always existed inside us the awakened mind.

We’re on a shamanic journey to connect with our split-off, dissociated parts… to retrieve our soul and become more familiar with our intrinsic wholeness with who we authentically are. The power of this journey is to go beyond our unconscious identification with the illusory confines of our material self. Expanding our sense of self helps us see through the illusion that we exist as a separate entity, independent from the rest of the universe. And when we do this, we cultivate lucidity and compassion.

In this session, you’ll:

  • Learn how relevant the ancient art of alchemy is for you on a personal level
  • Discover that you’re on a shamanic journey to retrieve your soul
  • Understand the importance of connecting with and stepping into your own shamanic gifts of healing
  • Realize that your own personal process is a reflection of the deeper, archetypal process that’s happening collectively all around you

Module 3: Understanding Wetiko as a Quantum Dreaming Phenomenon

Being a dreaming phenomenon, wetiko can introduce us to the dreamlike nature of reality. Quantum in nature, wetiko contains within itself both the deepest evil and the highest, most sublime gift and blessing

As quantum physics points out about our universe, wetiko doesn’t exist objectively, independently from us… rather, it reflects something within us. It’s actually a living revelation. If we don’t, however, recognize its revelatory aspect, it will continue to manifest destructively. On the other hand, its beneficial aspect will emerge if we recognize what it’s revealing to us about ourselves.

Wetiko is a unique form of “participatory medicine,” which requires that, to receive its blessing, we need to engage with what it’s revealing.

In this module, you’ll:

  • Learn how we’re all playing a key participatory role in creating our experience of ourselves and of the world
  • Expand what you think of as possible to previously unimaginable degrees
  • Be introduced to the creative (dreaming) power within each of us, which becomes activated when we recognize the dreamlike nature of reality
  • Recognize the revelatory, oracle-like nature of our living universe
  • Discover how wetiko can only be properly understood when we see how it pervades the field of our collective consciousness and operates within this field nonlocally and transpersonally

Module 4: Exploring How Wetiko Perpetuates Intergenerational Trauma & Affects Your Relationships

In this session, you’ll explore how the wetiko spirit propagates itself over multiple generations through unhealed ancestral abuse and trauma passed down through the family lineage.

Every one of us has become who we are, at least in part, because our psyches are the offspring of our ancestral unconscious. From this perspective, our unhealed wounds are the legacy of intergenerational trauma, which can be conceived of as a spiritual injury what Native American tradition considers a “soul wound.” Instead of feeling victimized by these wounds, it’s important to recognize the precious opportunity they present to heal an intergenerational illness that’s threaded itself through the multiple strands of your extended family.

The repressed and unprocessed trauma within a family can act like a contagious and malignant ancestral spirit… infecting all the family members, each in different ways. This virulent psychological pathogen germinates in and reproduces itself through the shared collective unconscious of the family lineage.

If we don’t consciously address unprocessed ancestral trauma, wetiko configures all of our adult relationships in ways that create hurt, misunderstanding, and separation.

In this module, you’ll come to understand how wetiko often shows up in intimate relationships and close friendships, in ways that can both tragically limit our evolutionary capacities, and/or bring about the very circumstances through which we can heal wetiko in ourselves and in the world at large.

You’ll discover:

  • How unhealed ancestral trauma is the origin of the wetiko mind-virus
  • That your closest relationships, the places where your unconscious (and wetiko) show up the most, simultaneously offer you the possibility to genuinely heal your unresolved wounds, abuse issues, and trauma
  • Tools to deal with wetiko when it’s influencing your relationships to transmute destructive relational dynamics into deeper connection and intimacy
  • That we can end the multigenerational transmission of our ancestral wounds and traumas

Module 5: Looking at Creative Expressions of Wetiko Throughout History

According to Paul, there’s nothing more important in the world today than understanding what wetiko is teaching us, because it’s what we need to know to step into the next phase of our evolution.

Every spiritual wisdom tradition since time immemorial as well as many of the greatest visionary artists, thinkers, and philosophers throughout history have been pointing at wetiko in their own way. What they’re trying to illuminate, however, is the very thing that many of us are refusing to see.

Being a form of psychic blindness that operates through the blind spots of our unconscious, wetiko only has power over us when we don’t see it. It’s important to understand how this elusive mind-virus covertly operates both by informing events in the world and inspiring our unconscious reactions. Seeing wetiko takes away its power over us as we empower ourselves.

In this session, you’ll discover how this shape-shifting bug this universal phenomenon shows up in our day-to-day life… and how it’s been creatively articulated and symbolized throughout the ages. You’ll explore how creative visionaries portray wetiko in their own unique ways, including Sri Aurobindo, Rudolf Steiner, Carl Jung, Colin Wilson, Eckhart Tolle, and Philip K. Dick… and how it’s been referred to in Kabbalah, mystical Christianity, Hawaiian Kahuna, Buddhism, Gnosticism, and more.

In this module, you’ll discover how:

  • Wetiko has been creatively symbolized in many cultures throughout history, to expand your understanding of the various aspects of this mind-virus
  • Wetiko has shaped history, current world events, and your own life
  • Symbolizing and naming something that’s been living in our unconscious mind helps us better understand it
  • To find your own creative expressions for this virus of the mind, so you can neutralize and disempower its influence in your life

Module 6: Connecting With Your Inner Creative Spirit to Help Dispel Wetiko

We are all creative beings. Repressed and unexpressed creativity is the greatest poison to the human psyche. Wetiko tries to destroy our creativity because connecting with the creative spirit within us is the very medicine that can help us dispel wetiko.

Because it has no creativity on its own, wetiko’s strategy is to parasitically plug into our innate creativity and use it both for and against us to serve its agenda. Ironically, in its attempt to block our creativity, it can potentially activate the creative spirit within us to previously unimaginable degrees in response.

The more we express ourselves creatively, the more we realize our true nature, and the more we recognize our true nature, the more creative we naturally become. Giving creative expression to what’s most alive in us liberates us from the unconscious compulsion to recreate and act out our unhealed wounds, abuse issues, and trauma through self-destructive patterns.

When we pursue what we love what gives meaning and energy to our lives and allows our creative visionary nature to freely express itself and guide us we disempower wetiko and realize that we’ve always been creating our experience of ourselves.

This session will illuminate:

  • The stories you tell yourself that stop you from expressing yourself authentically and creatively
  • How we’re always, whether we know it or not, creatively forging our experience of both ourselves and our experience of the world
  • That perceiving wetiko and recognizing the dreamlike nature of the universe can unlock the creative spirit within you
  • Why expressing your creativity is a deeply spiritual act that enables you to play a role in the spiritual evolution and ever-deeper awakening of humanity

Module 7: The Cure for Wetiko

Paul points out that wetiko is the source of the deepest evil yet contains not only its own medicine, it’s potentially giving us the incredible gift of lucid awareness.

Being able to see it is the beginning of the cure. It’s like breaking a spell and discovering a new lens to view and transform our experience of what’s happening, internally and externally.

The remedy for wetiko can be thought of as a multifaceted jewel, all of whose interrelated aspects reflect back ways of healing this mind-virus. Seeing it can make us more attuned to synchronicities, enabling us to recognize the dreamlike nature of our experience and activate our lucidity in this shared waking dream.

Seeing wetiko can help us recognize the nonlocal field (which Einstein referred to as “the only reality”) of which we’re all expressions. Recognizing the nonlocal field that’s always shaping our dreamlike universe helps us see through the illusion of the isolated separate self opening our hearts and our awareness of who we are, while generating great compassion.

When we realize our interdependence, we can connect with each other in real community. Instead of a typical virus, which mutates to become resistant to our attempts to heal it, wetiko forces us to mutate, to evolve. As such, it could be the greatest catalyst for human evolution ever known.

In other words, we don’t heal wetiko. It heals us.

By the end of this final module, you’ll:

  • Be empowered to creatively express and symbolize your own idea and experience of wetiko, which will unlock the healing powers of your creative imagination
  • Strengthen your connection with your unconscious and enter an ever-deepening intimate relationship with the inner guide who’s always been with you
  • Understand how the darker, shadowy forces that are manifesting in our lives both internally and externally are offering you an opportunity to deeply connect with the light of your true nature changing the way you relate to yourself and the world around you
  • Discover the immense creative power within us, which is amplified beyond measure when we connect with each other through the shared heart of lucid awareness

The Breaking Free From the Spell of Wetiko Bonus Collection

In addition to Paul’s transformative 7-module virtual course, you’ll receive these special bonuses to complement the course and take your understanding and practice to an even deeper level.

Wetiko: The Topic of Topics
Video Dialogue With Paul Levy & Andrew Harvey

According to Paul, the wetiko mind-virus is one of the most important things to understand in the world today. In fact, it’s been called “the topic of topics.” In this fascinating conversation, Paul and Andrew Harvey, an internationally renowned writer, mystical scholar, and spiritual teacher, shed light on the ways wetiko is at the very root of the collective madness that’s playing out in the world today. In their own unique and passionate styles, Andrew and Paul contemplate how, as a result of its trickster-like quality, wetiko can fool even the most deeply spiritual people… who, despite their best intentions, can unwittingly become instruments of the very darkness they’re trying to dispel.

Special Session for Dispelling Wetiko
Extra 1-Hour Session With Paul Levy

Because of the mind-expanding nature of Paul’s courses, it’s important for the participants to have as much Q&A time as possible. This bonus hour-long class will provide the much-needed opportunity for a deeper dive into what’s at the root of the collective madness that’s overtaking our world and what’s stopping us from healing. Join Paul as he addresses the group's questions and concerns, and invites you to inquire more deeply in and through your direct experience of the course material.

What Graduates of Paul’s Courses Are Saying…

Eden Sky: “Paul Levy’s Teachings Are a Gift That Keep on Going”

Tiffany Lindsay: “Paul Has Helped Me Realize That How I Choose to Be in This Universe Matters”

Matt Cadenelli: “Paul’s Ideas About the Nature of Reality Allowed Me to Once Again Be Open to the Joy in Life”

Naomi Khan: “I Am So Much More Present in My Life”

Eva Rider: “Paul Brings a Profound Wisdom and Compassion to His Work”

Patrick Welly: “If You’re Open to Having Your Mind Blown, Paul Is the Teacher for You”

“Paul’s unique perspective and teachings have given me so much hope for this time that we’re finding ourselves in.”

I am so glad that I happened to click “Yes” when Paul Levy’s course showed up in my inbox. Paul’s unique perspective and teachings have given me so much hope for this time that we’re finding ourselves in. Highly recommended!!
Angie Star

“... his mentorship and reflection have been incredibly healing and awe inspiring.”

Paul has played a monumental role on my healing journey through the underworld. His book, Dispelling Wetiko, saved my life during one of the darkest nights of my soul, and his mentorship and reflection have been incredibly healing and awe-inspiring.
Bridget Luckinbill

“Paul’s teachings have gifted me a sense of hope that has eluded me my entire life, and of deepened meaning.”

I have found that Paul’s depth of knowledge and ability to interweave teachings from the great spiritual and wisdom traditions with the great modern discoveries and revelations of Carl Jung and quantum physics, in such a unique and insightful way, has had a truly profound impact on how I see and understand myself and the world. Exploring the topic of wetiko with Paul has given me far greater insight into our nonlocal interconnectedness with each other and the universe. And, despite the seemingly bleak future facing our planet as a result of our species’ self-centered and destructive behavior, Paul’s teachings have given me a sense of hope that had eluded me my entire life, and a sense of deepened meaning.
Alison Gray

“Fully recommended, and by far the most important subject in the universe right now!”

Paul Levy literally saved my life. Everywhere I looked I could see darkness that would have consumed me had I not discovered Paul’s work. After attending his course at The Shift Network and through private practice with Paul, I came to realise this was an awakening and I was seeing “wetiko.” Paul’s work in this area is groundbreaking and could save humanity if we all develop the eyes to see. Fully recommended, and by far the most important subject in the universe right now!
Mark Hashimi

“It’s rare when one encounters an individual who embodies what they profess.”

It’s rare when one encounters an individual who embodies what they profess. Paul is such a person. I first saw Paul on a Shift interview and was immediately drawn to his genuine and compassionate nature, so I signed up for the course, which is something I had never done before. The course was life-changing.
Alison Hill

“He brings a raw authenticity to every encounter, as well as a deep wisdom and clarity.”

Having worked with Paul for several years, I can say that he is one of the most insightful, sensitive, and intuitive people I have ever met. He brings a raw authenticity to every encounter, as well as a deep wisdom and clarity. The delight in knowing and working with him is to witness the limitless creativity of thinking with which he views the world. It is truly an enlightening experience to be able to share in that experience. In addition, to work with him is to know his incredible kindness and honesty. He doesn’t come across as having any ulterior motives. His mission is to help others and share his insight to help heal the world.
Sara Stein

“His teachings have illuminated what we need to do to course-correct.”

I have long wondered how humans can be so cruel toward other sentient beings, and I have increasingly hungered to understand the “source point” that animates these harmful behaviors. Paul’s teachings about wetiko have helped me name and understand that source point. His teachings have also illuminated why humanity is not doomed to destroy itself/the planet, what we need to do to course-correct, and how I can positively contribute to this process.
Nessa Elila

“Prepare to be amazed and changed.”

I read the book Dispelling Wetiko in 2020. While I was reading, I noticed a profound and welcome increase in my awareness of patterns in myself, and I found myself engaging with my practices and processes in new and spontaneous ways that have brought me much more clarity. His ability to illuminate the lessons of wetiko is uncanny and amazing, and his elucidation of the possibility of changing our collective dream is clear and hopeful. I’m very much looking forward to his Shift Network course on wetiko and highly recommend his work to others. Prepare to be amazed and changed.
Mertie Pateros

“In my opinion, Paul is divinely inspired, with an in-depth and intimate knowledge of his subject.”

I took Paul Levy's Shift Network course last year and would highly recommend it. The concept of Wetiko is what the world needs right now as a way of understanding our current crazy conditions and, more importantly, finding solutions. In my opinion, Paul is divinely inspired, with an in-depth and intimate knowledge of his subject. He is also divinely inspiring and offers his teachings with passion, humility, love, and a keenly sharp intelligence that is not just a dry academic approach. I am aware that Paul Levy's work is out in the world now, like a genie from the bottle, and he gets more popular by the day. We have waited a long time for this message and I am delighted that it is finally here. 
Francine Chambers

“In my experience, there is no better teacher.”

I studied with Paul in his first Shift Network course, and was amazed at his gift for synthesizing and simplifying complex concepts. Paul's teachings about the nature of our Quantum Universe and Wetiko are at once eternal and whimsically revelatory. Paul brings his brilliance, open-heartedness, and inquisitive spirit to the illusive process of recognizing and dispelling Wetiko. He is a gentle and patient guide. Anyone looking for guidance in navigating both the challenges and quantum opportunities before us could greatly benefit from studying with Paul. In my experience, there is no better teacher.
Julia Becker

Here’s What You’ll Receive

Seven 90-Minute Class Sessions With Paul Levy

Experience a unique opportunity to learn from spiritual emergence pioneer, teacher, and author Paul Levy from the comfort of your own home. Each class session includes a streaming video option and guides you to discover specific skills and abilities to unveil the illusion of wetiko and unlock your immeasurable creative power to craft your own experience of being alive.

Seven Transcripts of Class Sessions

In addition to the high-quality videos and MP3 audios, you’ll also receive the entire class transcription after each session is completed. You can then review, print, and highlight the most important insights and practices you were given.

The Breaking Free From the Spell of Wetiko Bonus Collection
  • Wetiko: The Topic of Topics
    Video Dialogue With Paul Levy & Andrew Harvey
  • Special Session for Dispelling Wetiko
    Extra 1-Hour Session With Paul Levy

An Unprecedented Opportunity to Join the Breaking Free From the Spell of Wetiko to Heal the Mind Blindness That Plagues Our World Online Training

We feel honored that Paul Levy has chosen to partner with The Shift Network to offer this exclusive online training. This is a unique opportunity to learn from a spiritual emergence pioneer, teacher, and author whose powerful insights and pioneering work are helping us heal and transform ourselves and our world.

If you’re serious about understanding wetiko and receiving tools to dispel its influence, then you owe it to yourself, your loved ones, and our world to take this one-of-a-kind training.

If you’re ready to take the next step in evolving yourself, click the register button below to reserve your space now.

1 Payment of

Your Satisfaction Is 100% Guaranteed!

Your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed! If you don’t absolutely LOVE Breaking Free From the Spell of Wetiko to Heal the Mind Blindness That Plagues Our World or don’t feel that it meets your needs please submit your refund request form 2 weeks from your date of purchase and we’ll happily issue qualifying customers a refund.

More Praise for Paul Levy...

“I love Paul Levy’s work.”

Sting, Grammy Award-winning recording artist

“Paul Levy is an authentic visionary genius.”

Andrew Harvey , author of The Hope: A Guide to Sacred Activism and Savage Grace

“Paul has the answers to the questions everyone is asking...”

I believe Paul Levy has identified the unidentifiable the psychic virus that is the active contaminant of humanity. Paul has answered the questions everyone is asking: What is happening to us and what is our way through?
Caroline Myss, author of Intimate Conversations With the Divine and Anatomy of the Spirit

“... sees into the real nature of our crushing global endgame...”

No one else writing in America today, in whatever genre, sees into the real nature of our crushing global endgame emergency more deeply, steadily, or wholly than Paul Levy.
Eric Larsen, professor emeritus at John Jay College of Criminal Justice (CUNY)

About Paul Levy

A creative artist, author, and wounded healer, Paul Levy is founder of the Awaken in the Dream community in Portland, Oregon. Deeply steeped in the work of Swiss psychoanalyst Carl Jung, Paul is a longtime Tibetan Buddhist practitioner, having intimately studied for the past 35 years with some of the greatest spiritual masters of Tibet and Burma. For over 20 years, he was coordinator for the Padmasambhava Buddhist Center in Portland.

In 1981, catalyzed by an intense psychological trauma, Paul had a life-changing spiritual awakening in which he began to recognize the dreamlike nature of reality. During the first year of his spiritual emergence, Paul was hospitalized a number of times, and was told he was having a severe psychotic break from reality. He was (mis)diagnosed as having manic-depressive (now called bipolar) disorder. He has since become a pioneer in the field of spiritual emergence. Paul is currently in private practice, helping others who are also awakening to the dreamlike nature of reality.

Paul is the author of Wetiko: Healing The Mind-Virus That Plagues Our World... The Quantum Revelation: A Radical Synthesis of Science and Spirituality... Dispelling Wetiko: Breaking the Curse of Evil... and Awakened by Darkness: When Evil Becomes Your Father. He has published numerous articles on healing, dreaming, and awakening.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is your refund policy?
A: Your satisfaction with The Shift Network and this course is our highest priority! We offer a satisfaction guarantee for a full two weeks so that you can try out the course risk free. The deadline to receive a refund is two weeks from your date of purchase. To request a refund, please click here to submit your Refund Application Form. Your refund will be processed within five business days and we will send you an email confirmation when your refund has been completed. However, we’d love to have a chance to address and resolve your concerns first. If there’s something we can assist you with, please email us at support@theshiftnetwork.com, and we’ll be happy to help!

Q: How can I reach Customer Support?
A: Please visit our Customer Support Center, where you should be able to find the answer to your question or the solution to your problem. And if you can’t, you can submit an online request form and we’ll get right back to you.
